{ChanJin} - more than this (requested)

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The knock on your front door made you look away from the show you were watching on TV.

Grabbing the remote, you press the pause button before getting up to go and answer it.

You smiled happily upon seeing Chan and Hyunjin standing there and your heart began to skip a few beats.

"Hi," You said.

"Can we come in?" Chan asked.

"You don't even have to ask." You said, already walking back over to the sofa.

They entered your home and Chan closed the door as Hyunjin sat beside you.

You've known Hyunjin and Chan for a few months now, having met them through mutual friends.

There was an instant attraction between you but at the time, the three of you weren't interested in being in a relationship; not just as the three of you, but just in general.

So, rather than getting into a relationship, at the time, the connection you formed together was more... intimate.

You quickly became friends with benefits, enjoying the intimacy without the relationship.

But over time, the two of them began to feel differently.

They hadn't been into dating before getting with you but they had fallen in love with you and now, they're here to talk about that with you.

You could see by the look in their eyes that there was something different that brought them here.

Some days or nights they'll show up unannounced and that never bothers you because that just means they're craving you.

You've done the same some nights at the dorm when the other members are out or busy with other things so you'll have some privacy.

The look of desire and need wasn't in their eyes like usual and that made you wonder what was going on.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" You asked as Chan sat on your other side.

"We need to talk," Chan spoke.

"Oh... is it bad?" You worriedly asked, your first thought being that someone had found out about what the three of you had.

"No," Chan said before looking over at Hyunjin. "Well... most likely not."

"What's happening?" You frowned.

"Y/N... we don't think this is working out anymore," Hyunjin said. "It's just too hard on us."

"Oh." You replied quietly.

It wasn't as if you were with them only because you needed the intimacy.

To be completely honest, if it had been with anyone else, you would've ended this a long time ago.

But you've had a change of heart over time about relationships and that's why you're still intimate with them so much; because it allows you to be close to them and you want that more than anything, though you were too afraid to confess that.

"Why?" You wondered.

"Truthfully?" Chan asked. "Because we can't keep denying how much we love you."

You were surprised to hear that, quickly looking between them in shock.

"When we first started this a few months ago, we said relationships weren't an option at the time because things were so hectic and we just weren't sure if it was the right time. But now... we care a lot about you. We've fallen so hard for you, we're head over heels in love. Being friends with benefits isn't an option anymore because we're in love with you." Hyunjin confessed.

"Oh... wow." You said in awe.

"We want more than this but we understand if you're still not looking to be in a relationship," Chan said, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

It was quiet for a moment as it sank in that they felt the same way you did.

Your eyes lit up and you smiled so brightly at them and they couldn't help but do the same.

"I'm in love with you both too."

They couldn't help their growing smiles and the way their hearts raced.

"I've been feeling the same way for so long. At first, being intimate is all I wanted but all I want is to be with you two now, romantically. I want to be with you both more than anything."

Hyunjin put his hand on your knee and squeezed it while Chan leaned in and kissed your cheek softly, both of them staring at you so lovingly.

There were stars in their brown eyes and it made you fall even more in love with them as you found yourself feeling as though you could gaze into them forever.

"So..." Hyunjin smiled. "You're ours then?"

"You'll be our girl?" Chan asked happily,

"I've been yours from the day we met." You assured as you kissed them both on the cheek. "I would love more than anything to be yours officially though."

"So would we." Hyunjin grinned.

He leaned in and gave you a loving kiss before you did the same to Chan, causing him to smile against your lips.

They held you close as the three of you cuddled on your sofa, both of you happier than ever because, at last, you were officially all theirs and they were all yours.

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