Chp. 0 - From You To Me

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[Asuka Empire]

I remember that day... when two warriors came to blows on the battlefield. The peaceful atmosphere disappeared, and I was left in awe. Two ninja drew their blades across the small plains, I sat up on the ridge, watching from afar. They didn't know I was here, well, aside from one.

The girl with light green hair, bangs flying back from the strikes her opponent made, her ponytail swaying by her shoulders as she yelled something back, lunging to make her move, but her enemy was faster. The other girl had short blackish-brown hair, they had the same equipment to a degree, the enemy's was blue in places while the greenette's was dark purple, almost obsidian in colouration. 

The blue warrior's katana moved with the grace of wind through blades of grass, her form, the way she fully delved into her actions, whatever she was yelling, it was poured into her every move. I had never seen someone so amazing in my life. 

The purple warrior couldn't keep up with her daggers and throwing knives, she was losing ground, but... her eyes were hesitant, she was beginning to doubt herself and before I knew it, the icons above their heads shifted, and a sharp wind caught between us as the other girl present, almost identical to the raven-brunette, seemed completely in awe as she clapped at the stellar battle. 

Yes, even if it was brief, I could never forget that day. It was all I had to remember the green-haired girl by... how she smiled so brightly as the blue warrior offered her a hand, grinning widely. Strangely, I did the same, their faces were forever imprinted into my mind.






I wish sometimes to go back to those days. To see her one last time... to meet those two girls once more...

[Sword Art Online, Floor 75, Boss Room]

I watched, unable to move from my uncomfortable spot on the ground as the silver blade of a red knight plunged through the warrior in all black. He didn't move, I swore he wasn't even phased by the fact he was impaled. His health bar dropping and dropping as I tried to move, to will my body to pick itself up, but no skill would trigger under this paralysis, it was an absolute command I couldn't overpower.

 His health bar dropping and dropping as I tried to move, to will my body to pick itself up, but no skill would trigger under this paralysis, it was an absolute command I couldn't overpower

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But then, his body shimmered, he was so close to death and yet... he was moving, his eyes burning gold. "Not yet..." He rasped, taking a step. "I'm not done yet..." The red knight was shocked, stepping back hesitantly before the black swordsman cried out with the last of his strength, impaling the red knight through the chest with a rapier. 

The gauge fell and eventually disappeared.

He had won before shattering in thousands of pieces.

[To Be Continued...]

[Author's Notes]

Y'know, trying to find a story with Yuuki and an OC pairing is annoying, and those I find do this thing where they used CAPITALS LETTERS for a whole paragraph with like seven '!!!!!!', dunno why but it just irks me slightly. So in the fabled words of Thanos, 'Fine, I'll do it myself'. Here's the prologue, and I hope you enjoy. 

Note that these chapters will be short for the most part simply for my mental sake but uploads will be much more frequent, I'm experimenting so I hope you understand! Also, this symbol '---{------->※<-------}---' represents a timeskip. 

Timeless [Yuuki Konno X OC]Where stories live. Discover now