Chp. 4 - Memories

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[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 27]

The floor was filled with craggy, rocky mountains and, in terms of impression, the floor is quite similar to the underground territory in the north of Alfheim. Numerous stalactites hang unevenly from the ceiling of the next floor and, above those, are large prismatic gems which let out a hazy blue glow. Ronbaru is a night elf-theme city, located at the bottom of a wide circular valley of the floor. The town is carved out of one of the rocky mountains that are abundant on the floor

But a field trip to the Floor wasn't my concern. Rather, I have been kidnapped by a spunky young girl around my age who until ten minutes ago, begged me to assist her with... something. Whatever that was. "Why do I feel like I've been dragged into a lion's den?"

"Mr Malzeno! Let me introduce you!" Yuuki waved her hand out to the round table located in a small cafe where several other players stared at me with various degrees of speculation. "These are my comrades from my guild, the Sleeping Knights!"

 "These are my comrades from my guild, the Sleeping Knights!"

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"...'kay?" I feel like I'm being judged. 

The first to greet me was a Salamander with red eyes and orange hair tied in a braid at the back of his head. "I'm Jun, sup," He kept a cool demeanor but I had a feeling he was wary of me. I did look very sketchy in this get-up.

Next was a skinny-looking Leprechaun youth with small eyes, tidy, brass-coloured hair and round, iron-rimmed glasses that give him the impression of a student. "A-And I'm Talken, I-it's a pleasure to m-meet you, Malzeno,"

"Come on, Tal, he's not that scary lookin'!" Next to him was a Spriggan girl. She had darker skin and black, spiky hair. However, she has thick eyebrows and lips, as well as a large physique which wasn't that common among our race. Still, she gave me a sweet smile and wink. "Nice to meecha, name's Nori, Mr Malzeno!"

Probably the nicest aside from Yuuki was a young woman with long, light-blue hair which is almost pure white, one of the most defining feature of Undine players. She also has calm deep-blue eyes shining radiantly beneath her drooping eyelashes, a long nose, lustrous lips and surprisingly slender body. "Nice to meet you, I'm Siune! Thank you so much for coming all this way, Mr Malzeno,"

Lastly, a man built like a bunker had probably the most open and friendly aura to date, a gentle giant. A Gnome with beaming eyes and wavy, sand-coloured hair gave me a welcoming smile. "My name is Tecchi. Pleasure to meet you."

"Uh... likewise," I had to give myself a moment to absorb all that before I rubbed my nose out of habit. "So, uh, first, please drop the 'Mr', I'm probably Cupcake's age even with our height difference, but nice to meet you all the same, name's Malzeno as you know," I waved my hand slightly before Yuuki yanked my hand sharply. "Yah!"

"'Cupcake', w-what's with that!?" She looked bewildered at her new nickname to which I smiled and tapped her forehead. 

"'Cause it's funny," She proved my point by pouting, bringing a laugh up from my chest. "Ah, yes, definitely my best nickname to date, alongside 'Princess' and 'Rivet Face', ah... Rivet Face," He will be missed... probably. 

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