Chp. 12 - Deception

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[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 27]

After last second prep work, we delved into the dungeon of the 27th floor, it was mainly large white pathways with dark obsidian tunnels with streaks of colorful luminous archways, the pathway was pure white and helped to brighten the paths. Unfortunately, with open paths it meant Mobs would spawn at random in the area if we stood around too long or got lost. Thankfully, we had a map from a certain Rat, and my own knowledge to boot.

"That informant of yours is really detailed!" Siune praised as she held open her map for us. 

"She prides herself on only the truth and accuracy, steep in price but don't tell her I said that," I want my job benefits to remain. "Feel free to reward her hard work later, she loves that sorta thing." 

Up ahead, Yuuki swiveled to avoid the Lizardman Warrior's scimitar, striking across the stomach toward the right shoulder, slicing horizontally only to then drag her blade through the torso, completing an 'X' through its scales with Sharp Nail. The knockback sent the beast flying, draining the last of its health. Another flew by her shoulder from Jun's upswing in amber, the massive red gash tearing its HP apart. 

I couldn't help but deadpan slightly, "Honestly wonder if they ever needed me," Just then, an elbow propped itself onto my shoulder as I walked. "Hello fellow Spriggan."

"Yo," Nori flashed me a peace sign then leaned closer to murmur. "So, what's the deal with you and Yuuki, huh?"

"Eh?" I don't follow, but given the coy look, jabbing my chest. 

"Don't give me that crap, you two were practically glowing when we showed up, you didn't even know we were there until Jun opened his trap," Nori insisted. 

"We were discussing strategy, y'know, to not die more than ten seconds through the door," I tried to use logic but with Nori, or really any girl I've encountered, she sensed something and latched on with curiosity 

"You took her on a date to a cafe at night," She glowered. 

"Okay, first off..." I raised a finger and mouth lay wide open. "I don't have a retort for that," I shrugged off her elbow. "But it's really not what you think it is-"

"You think she's cute?" Nori was persistent, I'll give her that.

"Why's that important to the conversation?" One I want no part of.

"It is when you kidnap our leader to go patrolling on floor 10 at midnight," I can't get a read on this girl, she's obviously trying to get me to slip up somewhere, thankfully, working closely with a certain Rat had it's perks. 

"She kidnapped me, not the point, if it'll put you at ease yes, I do think she's cute, happy, goodbye," I waved and jogged to immediately grumble in annoyance next to Siune. "That girl's gonna take years off my life..."

"She's protective of Yuuki, even if she doesn't outwardly show it as much as Jun," The bluette smiled, patting my shoulder. 

"Yeah, I get that, but would it kill them to-" I held in my breath, and without hesitation, drew my bow as I ran to Yuuki's side as she ran to the boss room further down the hall. The area opened wide with large pillars either side as a massive black door stood in our way. "Hold on," My arm wrapped around her waist to bring her back.

"Huh, how come?" I let her go to stare intensely at the pathway ahead, it was wide enough for all of us to stand in a line, I stepped out and withdrew an arrow, chanting a spell as I did. Darkness wrapped around the arrowhead before I shifted right and fired. The arrow pierced a near-invisible barrier, causing the illusion to crumble as the arrow remained wedged at the feet of three players with a familiar icon. 

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