Chp. 5 - Realization

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[Alfheim Online, New Aincrad, Floor 27]

They, of course, overwhelmed me with their praise at my easy-going response, Yuuki was... very excited about the idea. She shot up from her stool to grab my hands tightly, coming quite close to my face that I felt a little heat rising from how close she was. "Thank you, Mr Malzeno!"

"Cute..." I gulped, smiling hesitantly. "H-Hey now, I said to drop the 'Mr' thing, b-but it's all good," She smells like lavender. Is that weird? Not my fault she's this close anyhow...

"Alright then! You can just call me Yuuki!" Then she glowered softly at me. "Not 'Cupcake', got it?"

"Sure..." Slowly, I pulled my hands away. "W-well, while you guys gather another round of drinks for my employment, I just need some air, gotta make a report to my informant about today's fight as promised."

"You work with a broker?" Jun asked suspiciously.

"Hey, be nice," Nori pinched his cheek as he winced from her pull.

"Ow-ow-ow-ow! Okay, I yield~!" He whined as the others laughed in response. 

"More of a Rat, but yeah, they're alright," I shrugged, hand to the door as I smirked. "Don't miss me too much, Cupcake."

I immediately left as I heard something heavy crash into the door behind me, my laughter clear through the small window of the lodge. "What a strange guild..." But there were many blanks to their story but for the most part they're sincere about their cause so nothing to report there to Argo. Guess this is a bit of an extension on my deal with her but all's well that ends well.

Strolling across to a bench facing the street, I leaned up to look at the blue crystals far above, it's been forever since I've seen this floor. I liked the dark underground vibe, the luminous glow of the crystals for light, and the eternal nightlife the town gave off. It was peaceful. 

I stared at my message for a bit longer

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I stared at my message for a bit longer.

|To Argo|

|Subject: Job|

|Nothing suspicious. Zekken is as skilled or better than Blackie. Currently partying with them for a personal goal, if anything comes up I'll pass it along. Should be tied down for a bit|

I sent it, and sighed. It was pretty mundane, well, aside from basically agreeing to fight a floor boss with only seven people. Yeah, that'll go smoothly like a cliff-edge...

"Hey," Once more, a pair of red eyes flickered into view as I gave a curt flick of my hand in greeting. Yuuki took a seat beside me, leaning her head back to watch the underside of the floor with me. "Sorry, today must be alot to handle at once,"

"Nah, when you have friends like mine, not to mention hitmen after you, it becomes unnaturally normal," I chuckled slightly, hearing her giggle too. I then brought my head around to look at her easy-going smile. "I'm still very irked, why of all players did you take the guy with a bow over Blackie - erm, Kirito?"

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