Chapter 7

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Sophie's POV

Sophie's mind was racing did she just tell Keefe she liked him back? 

Was this all just a dream? 

Yeah, that was it she was dreaming. 


She was so confused. 

Before she knew it, she was in bed. 

"Sophie? Sophie, are you listening to me?" Sandor asked bringing Sophie back to present.

"Huh. Uh Yeah but can you repeat that?" Sophie asked with a very unconvincing smile.

"I was saying you have been lying in bed for 2 hours zoning out the world," Sandor said crossing his arms.

"Wait 2 hours?! What time is it?" Sophie asked suddenly panicked.

"Midnight that's why need to go to sleep."

"Uh, we both know that's not happening." Sophie scoffed

"And why not? What exactly did you tell Keefe?"

"Um," Sophie was not sure Sandor would be too pleased with her.

"Sophie please tell me-"

"Secrets hinder your ability to protect me? I know but..." Sophie didn't know how to finish that thought.

"Please tell me." The pleading look in his eyes made Sophie give in.

"Fine, but you're not going to like it. Promise you won't freak out?"

"You have my word."

"I told him...." Sandor nodded for her to keep going, "That I like him too..." Sophie finally finished her voice barely a whisper.

"You did what?!" Sandor shouted, so loud that Grady and Edaline probably heard it outside.

"You said you wouldn't freak out," Sophie reminded him.

Sandor sighed "I won't tell Grady and Edaline" he held up his hand when she started to thank him "For now. On one condition, you get some sleep." 

Sophie was about to agree when he added "And you will tell Grady and Edaline eventually, otherwise I will."


"Mhm. Now get some sleep." Sandor said turning the lights and shutting the door.

Quick shout out to @88booklover_ she has an amazing book called Sophie's........Dead? definitely go check her out.

When She Notices (A Sokeefe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now