Chapter 18

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Keefe's POV

I'm at the hideout from when I was kid...... 

Those were the only words running through Keefe's head. He knew for sure now that Sophie wasn't dead. Not that he had doubted before but there was still that little chance. He also now knew where she was. Only problem was how was he supposed to get there. The Black Swan would tell him he was imagining it.

"Hello?" Ro asked interrupting Keefe's scheming.

"What!?" Keefe shout asked.

"Um. I don't know maybe the fact you spaced out for an hour!" Ro shout answered.

"Oh." He answered meekly

"Well, what is it?"

"Sophie told me where she is. I just don't know how to get there."

"I might have an idea." Sandor said appearing in the corner. "And for the record when it comes to my charge I will always want to be involved."

"Ugh. Party popper's here." Ro said. Sandor squeak growled at her.

"I can get you anywhere." Sanor responded ignoring Ro.

"I need to go to the Neverseen's hideout where Sophie and Dex were held after they got kidnapped."

"Ok. we can leave early morning tomorrow."

"No, we can't wait that long."

"Yes, we can."

"I actually agree with Sandor on this one." Ro jumped in.


"Ok so 6am good for you guys?" Sandor asked.

"How about 5am I think Hunkyhair will go crazy otherwise." Ro said.

"5 works." Sandor said.

"How about we hail you when we are ready?" Keefe chimed in.

"That works as well." Sandor said. That seemed to settle it.


Keefe collapsed on his bed and fell asleep. He dreamed of him and Sophie. A couple. Keefe knew it would never happen, but he liked that idea. Him and Sophie. Together. Forever.

Thanks for reading! Sorry if these last 2 chapters weren't the best, I wasn't really in the writing mood.

- The Author

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