Chapter III

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I never knew which member of Valkyrie was more to my liking.

You thought for yourself while walking throughout the now empty hallways of the academy. You felt amazing after the whole afternoon spent with Mika and Arashi, and you got extremely excited when Mika asked you to help him around the charity event he'll be organizing for the orphanage. The way his eyes sparkled when you said you'd love to help was deeply engraved in your heart.

Why do I even bother thinking about such stupid things at the moment?

You shook yourself out of the thought. At this point you were pretty sure that Mika was your favorite. Your conversations always flowed smoothly and especially when Arashi was around, you would always have an amazing time together. You felt free to straight-forward announce them as your best friends (Eichi aside).

Before leaving Mika off at his dorm you two had an extra time chatting and he told you about his plans for the festival, such as what food stands he requested, where they should be positioned, how the stage would look, etc. 

He was pretty hyped up about the whole thing, especially because it was his first time organizing a whole event by himself and you enjoyed looking at his joyful baby face while he would enthusiastically go around the same details over and over again.

However, the moment you laid your fingers on the door handle of your dorm, you remembered something which had completely slipped your mind. The heels.

Tch, now I have to go all the way back to Shu's workspace... Well I did tell him I will get the shoes this evening. Might as well get it off my mind.

You changed directions and headed towards Valkyrie's cabinet, which had also served as Shu's office where he would hold "meetings" with "the other members of Valkyrie", as well as design new outfits, sew and organize his own thoughts with the help of his beloved doll Mademoiselle. He spent most of his time in that office so it was only obvious that he would be working there, even at this late hour.

You knocked on the rusty wooden surface of the door, attempting to overhear noises which would confirm his presence in the room on the other side of it. However, there was no answer to the knocking, so you slowly pushed the door open into the quiet workspace. It didn't make a sound.

Everything inside was silent and stiff, carefully organized on many shelves and boxes in the corners. There were a couple of metal clothespins on which hung a variety of different clothes, such as dresses, costumes, tuxedos and similar formal attires, all of them clean and ironed to perfection. The room was dimly lit, giving the impression of a hard worker who likes peace and concentration at any hour of the day.

Suddenly, your attention was caught by a pair of black heels left on the desk near the lower-center of the room, neatly arranged upright. You approached curiously, noticing that something was different about them. 

Namely, there were three small diamonds added on the front of each shoe, now glistening on the dim lights. You were captivated by how three miniature diamonds change so much about the entire appearance of the simple black heels you wore this morning to class. Now they even seemed overly formal to wear at school.

Oh, Shu... how considerate of him...

Suddenly all of the lights in the room went off, leaving you in complete darkness. You felt your heart pounding fast in your chest, as your eyes rapidly moved around in search of a light source, a switch, or anything that could help you light up your world again.

But as you wondered what to do, two strong arms grabbed you from behind, one of them covering your mouth, the other one wrapped around your upper waist. You screamed in fear and tremor, but the sound was engulfed in the soft palms of your attacker.

"Choose me, Miss Producer!" - Mika v.s. Shu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now