Mika: Christmas Aftermath

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Here you go guys, as promised - your favorite Christmas mood aftermath chapters! Merry Christmas (Happy New Year's Eve, actually) to all my readers out there and may 2023 bring you some fine romance alike the one you've read in this book! Lots of love,
Emmiko <3


You stood before the door of Mika's school dorm with your fist halfway raised and in a position to knock, contemplating whether you should head inside or not. You had spent the whole day working on and attempting to perfect your family's traditional gingerbread cookies recipe, so much that it took you almost two hours to clean up afterwards.

You were aware that Mika never expected something so big from your side, knowing as you loved him unconditionally just the way he was. Same went for you, but you still felt the need to do as much as you could for him and show him how much you care.

Ever since his late-spring charity event when he admitted his feelings for you which you afterwards confirmed was mutual, you two had been (un)officially dating. To say the least, things were just slightly complicated, seeing as Mika is very shy and easily gets uncomfortable.

A few days after the declaration of your feelings for one another, you felt puzzled not knowing what to proclaim Mika for. Your best friend? Your more-than-just-friend? Your... boyfriend? So you simply asked him. But his reaction breached boundaries and completely caught you off guard; he practically ran away and locked himself in his dorm, ignoring and not contacting you in the next couple of days.

Luckily you knew Mika pretty well, so as hard as it seemed, you gave him some time and space to think about the answer before officially announcing it. A few days later, he shyly confronted you and told you that he tried to avoid the topic since he himself had no answer to the question, but then his roommate Ritsu pressured him into spilling the beans about his bad mood and afterwards pressured him into confronting you.

Mika's monologue was long but you had patience, attentively perceiving each word he uttered. "I'm sorry I avoided you, I know it might've ruined things between us, I really couldn't do anything with myself. It was as if my brain had malfunctioned and couldn't keep on working. Again, I'm really s-"

"Please Mika, don't apologize since I understand." – you had cut him off mid-sentence. "How about, we talk now and sort things out together? What do you say?"

Remembering his cute toothy smile back then suddenly imbued motivation in you, moving your hand impulsively as it slid 'out of your brain's grasp', your knuckles ending on the door with a flat 'clank'.

Ahh nooo, I don't feel ready yet AHH!!

Clattering was heard from the inside, then someone saying "oof!" and finally footsteps approaching the door. The basket full of gingerbread cookies trembled in the rhythm of your hands and unsteady breathing as you felt you heart pound excitedly.

The door opened with a quiet squeak and Mika's head emerged from the inside. "Hi," – he said, slight nervousness tinting his voice.

Well, at least the feeling is mutual I guess?

"Hey! I mean, hi! Mika," – you hurriedly uttered a few words of greeting. "Merry Christmas!" – you suddenly remembered today's date – 24th of December, Christmas Eve.

'Merry Christmas to you too!" – Mika returned the kindness. "Come on in."

You followed Mika through the door and inside his shared dorm. The room was rather normal with its furniture containing everyday necessities and it resembled your own dorm pretty much. The distinguishable detail here were the beautiful Christmas decorations hung all around the room as well as the medium-sized Christmas tree adorned with differently-colored ornaments of all shapes. The lights were dim and the whole atmosphere gave off a cozy note which instantly soothed your nervousness.

&quot;Choose me, Miss Producer!&quot; - Mika v.s. Shu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now