[Mika] Chapter V (ending no.1)

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~ You decide to go and try finding Mika ~

"Mika...!" – your voice faded away engulfed by the noisy atmosphere, as his slim figure disappeared from your sight. And Mika was nowhere to be seen.

You sighed deeply.

The cotton candy in your hand began melting; sweet droplets dripping on the ground in a steady rhythm alike those tears you saw in Mika's gorgeous eyes. You stared at the dripping candy in a trans, your mind going over many things at once.

Should I call him and ask him where he went? – No, he probably won't pick up.

Should I ask someone if they've seen him? – No, that could take a lot of time considering the crowd and the fact that he might've gone to a more remote area when not many people could see him.

Is it best if I just go back and... leave him be for tonight...?

You shook your head.

Not a chance. He's supposed to have fun tonight. There's no way I'll let him ruin his mood.

I'm going after him.

You began pacing in the direction where you lost sight of Mika, following along the tiled path into the park. Not many people were around due to the main party being in the opposite way of where you were headed, so the search for him was fairly easier.

Or so you thought.

The path and your surroundings were pitch black, the only light you could perceive was the one which pushed and managed to reach through the dense park vegetation. Your only navigation were the tiled pavements which crisscrossed from time to time, in some time leading you back to the concert stage.

The slight confusion caused by the unexpected location you found yourself at was replaced by concern which started pouring into your heart as if from a water spring. You bit your lips in though.


I couldn't have missed some hidden path or something, right? He probably has no reason for going deeper into the park anyway. It's dark and he's quite frightful.

As you tried to ease yourself, a random idea emerged in your head and your feet automatically moved towards the backstage, speeding up with every other step taken. You circled behind the colorfully lit stage and headed towards the small shed hidden in the murky shadows of the trees.

Your steps quieted down as you slowly approached it and peeked through the smeared windows. A figure was visible within, someone sitting on the ground amidst he messy boxes with their back leaned against one of them and knees clutched in an embrace.

You pondered what to do for a second.

It was obviously Mika, you had no doubt. But, what kind of entrance should you make was the dilemma.

Should you knock on the window and wait for a response or just casually walk in through the door? Maybe just walking in casually could disturb or freak him out. Better play safe.

However, before you had a chance to act, the figure flinched and curved into a ball, stiffening.

"Go away!" – you head a weak yet demanding voice coming from inside.

"Mika, it's me." – you said softly. "Can I please come in?"


"Ok." – his voice was heard and you opened the door, walking in. The shed was small and cramped with cardboard boxes stored on many levels, with the only source of light being the two windows which weren't covered by boxes.

"Choose me, Miss Producer!" - Mika v.s. Shu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now