[Shu] Chapter V (ending no.2)

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~ You suggest that you and Shu go with Leo to Mika's charity event ~

Well I mean, if he really doesn't feel like attending this event, maybe a simple change of style would do him good?

"You know, I bumped into Leo when I was headed here looking for you. He said that he'll be going to Mika's charity event as soon as the pageant is over and asked me if we wanted to join him. What do you say?" – you explained while ignoring his gaze and stared at the garden bellow the balcony.

You spotted with the corner of your eye that his eyes suddenly widened in some sort of distorted panic and he aggressively rubbed his temples.

"Aaghhh I completely forgot about that!!" – he whined in frustration. Then he rotated in his place with a weird look, as if finally believing his words. "I can't believe I could forget." – he repeated his saying. "I can't believe I could forget."

"Shu, it's o-"

"No it's not okay!" – he interrupted with livid eyes. "After all he has done for me... All he is doing for me... And I couldn't even remember about his own charity event, because I was focused on making the dresses for my event?!"

Shu's voice was now strained in something that was closing in on despair. You had never known just how sensitive he could be.

It was as if his raspy voice was slowly tearing your heart apart, spreading the ache throughout your inside and tightening your throat. You rapidly blinked a few times in attempt to shake off the saddening feeling.

"Hey," – you gently rested your arm on his shoulder in a comforting way. "It's okay. I'm sure Mika will understand as long as we show up. And especially when he sees you so emotional about the whole thing." – you added up and heard Shu pout 'shut up' with a flustered face.

"Come on." – you beckoned him towards the entrance of the balcony. "We can wait for Leo at the car park."

Shu simply followed your instructions and you both entered the mansion which was now nearly clogged because of the crowd, especially those gathered around the railings of the ascended part of the ballroom since they had a spectacular view of the pageant's stage.

You began descending the stairs when suddenly you lost Shu out of your sight. You looked around you. Nowhere in sight.

Slight panic ran through you, entangling your thoughts. You unexpectedly felt unsecure for a moment, as if you're in a video game and your shield got taken down.

Why am I even disturbed by this though? He has to be here somewhere.

Suddenly a hand slid into yours and intertwined their fingers with your own. Agitated, you turned your head backwards repulsively and locked eyes with none other than Shu. He indifferently pulled you down the stairs and across the ballroom until the fresh late-spring air slammed in your face.

You took in a deep breath and looked at him. He seemed fairly reddened but didn't say a word and took deep breaths in attempt to steady his breathing.

Is he embarrassed? From simply holding my hand for 5 seconds?

A mocking smile flew across your face, but seeing his previous and current state, you decided not to push it and stay compassionate. For his own good.

Although, looking at your phone, you noticed there was quite some time until the pageant's scheduled ending which was when Leo was supposed to come. Did you really feel like waiting all that time, when in the meantime you could go ahead and have fun with Shu alone? Of course not.

"Choose me, Miss Producer!" - Mika v.s. Shu x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now