ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2- ꜱᴍᴀʟʟ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜱ

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It was warm. Maybe too warm. Eddie caravan usually got hot in the morning as the heat got trapped in the metal and plastic that make up his trailer. He normally had an AC but since it broke he hasn't really had the money to fix it. So a plug in fan was his go to option.

Steve was sound asleep in his thick soft black sheets. His brown hair messy and undone as his shirt had rolled up his stomach from the frantic movements of not wanting to sleep when Munson told him to. It was quiet, the soft sounds of the radio being played outside. Muffled words you couldn't define.

The sun beaming though the small window above his bed, the warmth immediately soaking into the sheets as Steve was sweating profusely in someone else's bed

"Agh fuck.." Steve mumbled as he rolled over, the sounds of springs in his bed a bit unfamiliar to him. He poked a leg out from the blanket still feeling way to warm for comfort.

His eyes cautiously opened as he was brought to a room that looked nothing like his. It was the sheer panic that sat him up from the bed, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar room "what the..." he mumbled under his lips as he stared at the band posters, guitar, dirty clothes on the ground. And a certain leather jacket hung on the wall.

"Awake huh, Harrington..I'm guessing you wanna know what's going on...mh?" A voice erupted from the door way as his eyes caught up to his. Eddie the freak Munsons room. That's where he was. Eddies curious dark brown eyes trailing the males body as he cautiously got off the bed

"We didn't...do anything by the way..you were drunk and thought I was a girl...so I just took you home- well to my place...Nancy and her boyfriend we're going to take you...but! You didn't want them to...so here we are.." Eddie spoke quietly as a hand went up to scratch his lip. He didn't have any rings on and looked fairly clean. A plain black shirt and jeans on him. The same messy black hair out covering his shoulders a bit.

"Ah..." Steve shut his mouth as he looked up at the male before speaking again "did..people see us leave? Together.." he spoke. He didn't mean to sound rude but he was definitely worried about that. He had a reputation after all and the rumours about Eddie weren't debatable.

"Well maybe a few.." The male mumbled almost with a hint of guilt in his voice, maybe it was shame? No..when was Eddie shameful? His fingers gripped around the handle of the door

"I didn't mean to- ah never mind...thanks..Munson." He finished getting up. He knew he needed to go home and get these clothes off him. Maybe even a shower sounded nice right about now, Eddie on the other hand proceeded into the room, taking a seat on his bed. Just knowing he'd need to wash them. Though his bed wasn't necessarily clean anyway.

"You know...the rumours about me...there not true...if that's why your worried so much.." he spoke up a bit, his hands laying on his lap as he was focusing on his hands. Picking at the skin around his middle finger "I mean...other then the fact I'm some kinda freak ya know.."

Steve knew exactly what rumours he was on about. Ones where Eddie would get straight men high and take them home. He believed them. Well. When he got proof of it. Though it was only by word passed down from one guy to the next it was still something people talked about.

Suddenly the room felt heavy. Eddie breathing steady waiting for Steve to reply as he didn't even know what to say back

"I know Munson...you wouldn't do that..to me...or anything...I know...Um.." his voice hitched a bit. He wasn't entirely true. If anything he was a bit scared of Munson even if he didn't wanna believe it. He came off as intimidating to anyone who didn't know him. His style. His in-you-face personality, and tone...it was a bit awkward seeing him so calm then his usual enthusiastic voice

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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