Chaper two: Time flies by

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I'm scared wasn't even the beginning of how I felt. But the fact that I put myself over others like this wasn't out of fear but selfishness

I woke up to a pain that was indescribable in my head.  "Get up now. We only have 5 minutes left." I opened my eyes very little to see a boy a little older than me. "AH,NOT TODAY"I screamed while spraying him with pepper spray. "OW IDIOT! I'M YOUR PARTNER!" He groaned while holding his eyes. "Oh sorry,reflex."I sat up and groaned. My head was killing me but we would literally be dead if I didn't get up so I had no choice but to just suck it up. I felt him put his hand on my head and Carry me up bridal style. "Maybe we should say our names. Maybe that would let it know we found our partner." I nodded. "I'm Luka" he said looking down at me. I hate being short. "Chloe" I replied. "Nice name,princess." "Ok,listen we don't have time for you to be all Romeo on me. We have 1 minute left!" "Chloe" he said first. "Luka" I said after him. Shortly after I felt a pinch in my arm and I was knocked out for the second time today.

I woke up in a room. I was almost like a box.

 I was almost like a box

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I was tied to a chair. My hands and ankles were tied very tight to the back of the chair. There was a small hole that was in-front of me that seemed big enough for a..bullet. The hole was also looked like it was aimed for my chest. I saw person after person come in. Everyone I saw come in was asleep. Luka wasn't there tho. I was confused because before I was knocked asleep I saw him there so he should be with me. Especially since we are partners. I waited long hours. There was nothing to do but wait.

Wait to die,wait to live,wait to be let go which was very low chances. I screamed for those long hours. I hoped I could annoy them enough to let me go out of irritation. But no. They weren't phased by me. The people in white uniforms that almost looked like doctor outfits,didn't even look at me. Not even a glance in my direction.

I wonder what they did to my sister. I didn't see her get rolled in. I noticed a women in white walk up to me. She slid a pill threw the hole. "Take it" she said almost in a whisper tone. "No,why would I take anything you guys give me. You are the reason I am in here in the first place!" I yelled at the women. She chuckled. "What could possibly be funny you psycho."

I asked her. "You. You really think that yelling at me will do anything,your screaming will phase us? You are right, we are the reason why you are in here and we have the upper hand. I could kill you at any given moment if I like." I rolled my eyes at her. I was scared but I wasn't gonna let her know that. "Not without your boss's permission I bet." I said in a baby tone. She snarled at me. "If you don't want the pill now then I will untie you." Perfect! I annoyed her enough to make her let me go. "I don't want the pill." She shrugged "your choice" she said opening the door to the box I was in. She opened the door and untied my feet and replaced it with ankle cuffs. That wasn't according to plan I thought to myself. She then undid the ropes to my hands and handcuffed those too. "Where are we going" I questioned her. "Well we are going to a different room." I closed my mouth after that as it seemed she wasn't going to be specific. We walked down a long corridor and managed to make it to where ever we were going. She undid all the handcuffs on me.

This part of the story contains of taking off clothes and forced to take off clothes. You can skip this if uncomfortable

"Strip" she said. I was shocked and then I was disgusted. "WHAT? YOUR ILL IF YOU THINK I WILL DO THAT!" She then started speaking this language I didn't understand. Soon after guards swarmed into the room. Two grabbed me by my arms and the others took off my clothes. First the undid my shirt,then my pants came off. I realized I was wearing a thong. Not a good fashion choice right now. "You aren't wearing these anymore." "I will if I want too." I spat at him. He slid my panties off and spanked me 5 or 6 times before replacing them with regular white women ones. I blushed redder then a tomato after that. Then they put a white shirt and white pants on me. The guards then handcuffed me again and then they left me. "Maybe next time you will listen." I didn't reply to her but in my mind I thought"And maybe you'll stop taking a look at my underwear."She dragged me by my ear back to the box.

Then she tied me back to the chair. "Open your mouth now,or I will get the guards again." I was just so exhausted from this day that I just did as she said. "Good girl. Now I see your tired so you may sleep. Since you took your pill obediently I will untie you and you may roam free in this room. (The room was divided into two parts. There was a glass box that had the chair Chloe was tied to and then there was another door inside of that box the lead to the rest of the box. Which looks like this⬇️)

She unlocked the door and she pushed me inside

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She unlocked the door and she pushed me inside. She unlocked the handcuffs and closed the door and then left the room completely. I tried the door handle to see if she locked it which to my luck she did. I sighed as I didn't know what to do.

I was locked in here,I don't know where my sister is,I don't know where mom is,and it has been the worst day ever. Like how could god take me away from such a hottie!?God what am I saying,I don't even know the guy!I let a few tears roll down my face as I thought about my mom and sis and how they could be dead. I then fell asleep.

I woke up to the sound of bang noises. It sounded like gun shots. I also noticed I was tied to a chair. I heard Yes and No and then depending in the answer there was either silence or a gunshot. I was the last cube so it was hours before someone came up to me. They had a gun in one hand and a syringe in the other. "Did you find your partner? If so answer yes and state there name. If not simply reply with no." They said very cold and straightforward. "Yes his name is Luka." They unlocked my door and injected my arm with syringe. My head started to pound and the room started to spin. That's all I remember before blacking out cause apparently my body has a thing for that.

A/n: Hello beautiful people
The question of the day is: If you were trapped in the white box,what would you do?
Have a good day/night and keep smiling😃
This is Luka by the way⬇️

Luka,22,Handsome,cold on the outside but is a real softie on the inside

Luka,22,Handsome,cold on the outside but is a real softie on the inside

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