Chapter 3:Darkness prt.1

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Life is full of suspense,twists and turns,and heartbreak. It's like a rollercoaster. A rollercoaster can make one feel scared and scream but you enjoyed it. A rollercoaster is also fun and exciting.Life is just like that...a rollercoaster. But what would happen if the rollercoaster stopped and everything turned to darkness?

I woke up to pitch black darkness. I wasn't scared of the darkness..I was terrified! I couldn't see anything. I fell to my knees because I was so scared. Worst of all I was alone. I didn't really like being alone period but in the dark,all alone,having no cloud where I am! That was horrifying to me at least. "I can't sit here all day" I thought. "Hello,is someone there!" I hollered.

"Please..anyone..." I said my voice breaking. I heard a ticking noise in the distance. I got up and walked towards the sound.

I saw a little light. I cautiously wiped off the dust,revealing a timer. I heard something soft fall on the ground behind me. I turned around slowly and looked down to see a piece of paper. I sighed and squared down to pick it up. I noticed my hands were all bloody. I turned the paper over swiftly and was shocked to see in bloody letters.
I see you
I threw the paper. This isn't real,it can't be. This is all just a bad dream like when I was a little girl. I will wake up and everything will be normal. I saw a grey hand catch the paper I threw. I stepped back. The creature made it's way into the way of my eyes and I wish it hadn't. The creature didn't have eyes or anything really. Just a mouth. It was all dis formed. I stepped back another step but the stupid floor board creaked. It snapped it's head towards me. Another paper fell only this time I caught it.
"What is up with all the weird messages!" I thought before looking up and the grey thing who was now smiling creepily was running towards me and FAST. I ran forward but it followed. I found a mountain of boxes. I ran behind the boxes quickly and I could see the grey thing coming towards my hiding place and it started taking down boxes. I realized that it was attracted to noise. I kicked one of the boxes to my left and it snapped it's head towards the box and ran the other direction. As long as I don't make noice I should be fine. I put my hand over my mouth so it wouldn't hear my heavy breathing. I wonder how big this place was. It seemed small at first but now after running in it,it seems quite large.

The weird thing came back and it was as if we were locking eyes but only I could see it,It couldn't see me. A flutter of papers swarmed everywhere. They landed on me,burying me underneath. I pushed the papers away and it wasn't until I was completely out of the paper when I realized I made so much noise that it knew exactly where I was. This thing was smart and it was annoying. I heard a voice and it was as if the thing was talking even tho it had no mouth nor face. "I found you. Smile for the camera Chloe"it said like a manic. "I'll not. But here take a picture of this" I kicked it in the head where a face should be.

then I ran off. I didn't know where I was going and everything was black. It was as if running but going nowhere. I tripped and saw that my clumsy self tripped over a flashlight. I turned it on and I saw the monster burning. I ran off until I couldn't see the light nor the monster. "This place really sucks. It doesn't have...MAC & CHEESE." Speaking of Mac & cheese,I am starving.

I doubt there is any food here tho. The thought of there being no food scared me. What if I starved to death, I don't want to die like this. This made tears form in my eye. I didn't let them come tho even tho they wanted to.

"I guess I need to find somewhere to sleep." I knew I wouldn't be able to stay awake and even if I did it was best to find somewhere to be if the monster came back. I walked threw more darkness. All I could see was darkness,almost as if walking threw a black whole. There is no forward or backwards because anyway you go is the same. Dark,empty,and most of all alone.

All I wanted to do was go back home,back with my mom,back with my sister,back to my boring yet safe life. I knew eventually I would have to move out of my mom's house. The rule was we were aloud to stay until we are twenty. After that we are on our own. I was walking when BAM,BAM,BAM

The monster was on me. I didn't know what to do as I didn't have any light,nothing. It was bigger than me so I couldn't fight it either. The monster smelled horrible as well,it needs to use some deodorant. I might die smelling him. I did the only defense weapon the youngest child has..I kicked my legs back and forth hitting my butt. This went in for a few minutes and I thought I was hurting him but clearly I was wrong because he grabbed my leg. I tried to kick the other leg but he pinned it to the floor.

He then opened his mouth wide. "No,no,no,n-AHHHH" I screamed and it bit my leg. It bit and good chunk of the skin off too. It seemed satisfied because it left after that. I squinted my eye from the pain and a few tears escape from my eyes.I took my jacket off and wrapped it around my leg tight making me scream out once more. "God why can't I be quiet for two seconds" I thought.

I couldn't stand up on my own because that stupid monster bit my good leg . I spotted some boxes and scooted slowly over to the boxes. I pushed down a box but caught after realizing the thing is attracted to noise. I placed the box down and put my hand on the other box,gripping it tightly. I stood up and grunted. My leg was hurting terribly. "I am so tried,all I want to do is sleep." I thought. I decided to go behind the boxes I was just near and sleep there. I first needed to grab some boxes to make a roof and another side so I was protected. It wasn't really protection but it's better than sleeping in the open where the monster could get me at any second. I pilled the boxes together and then laid down. It wasn't comfortable and I was freezing but I was so tired that I couldn't care.

A/n:Hello beautiful people. The question of the day is:If you were in Chloe's shoes what would you do?
Have a good day/night and keep smiling😊

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