Chapter six: tight space

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I felt my self being compressed against the walls of the tight space. I didn't know what to do. I just stayed still and tried not to move to much. I was scared but I couldn't show it because it wouldn't help. I was alone and no one was there to save me. This wasn't like the fairytales I read about. This was real life and there was no prince to come and save me. I needed to save myself. I tried to move from my sitting position to more on my back. I've never had claustrophobia but I think after this I might. "Can I at least get some food for fucks  sake's!" I hated being hungry and I had gone without food for 3 days. I guess I didn't realize it until now because of how scared I was the past few days. I felt so alone and I felt as if I couldn't do anything and it sucked. I wanted to be back home,with my sister,my mom,my very little to none friends,and maybe with Luka. I can't get Luka out of my head. I wonder how he is doing with all this shit. I wonder if everyone has the same fears or if we all have different ones. So many questions and no answers. I hated that.
"What do you want."
"I am just making a suggestion(raises hands)but maybe we should bump up the difficulty of the fears. I know we've never done this before but she is still thriving and we can't let her live. If she lives then.."
"DON'T say what I think your gonna say. I think that is a good idea. I will get Mason to do it right now."

Another few hours have went by and I am so bored. I am so bored that I start thinking of questions but then I have no way to answer them so I get annoyed and then I think about my mom and sister and how they are dead. My sister is dead because of me. I killed her. I was selfish and left her. I keep having those thoughts and the only way to stop thinking about it is to just cry myself back to sleep. But the cycle isn't really efficient because when I wake up i'm bored and repeat the pattern. I was losing my mind and I needed to be out of this stupid box. I saw holes start appearing on the walls and I saw little spikes. But the spikes grew larger and larger until if I moved from my laying down position I would get poked or stabbed. This wasn't a good thing. I would have to stay like this for 1 more hour. I laid on my back because I didn't have anything better to do. I just sat there and sat there.
One hour later
I felt myself eyes getting heavier. I was going to the next fear Finally

I fell on a hard and cold wooden floor. There was no flooring in so areas so I made a mental note to be carful of that. "Hello. Hello! HELLO" no answer of course. I was alone so why would there be a response. I heard something crawl on the floor. I looked down to see a spider. I hated spiders ever since my grandpa got bit by a poisonous one and died. I squished it but apparently it was pregnant and hundreds of baby spiders came crawling out everywhere. They were crawling up my boots,into my shirt,in my hair,THEY WERE EVERYWHERE! I screamed as they went into my hair. I loved my hair and they were all in there. I couldn't even wash them out. I shook my hair frantically and they flew out. I then ran as fast as I could away from the scene. I wanted no part in spiders. I then saw some eyes in the distance. I thought they were people but boy was I wrong. A big hair spider hissed at me and then jumped my way. I screamed in horror and ran so fast.  I has to jump over some holes in the floor. I kept on running until there was massive hole that I couldn't jump over. I tried anyway tho and I fell threw. "AHH" I screamed as I fell in a pit of darkness. I fell unconscious.

"Boss! We got good news!"
"She fell threw our little trap and is knocked unconscious."
"Is she dead."
"Let me check her status.(checks computer for her status and says she's alive by %70) Well she is alive by 70 but still we got her a bit weak so that's good right?!"
(Slams fist on table)"I said I wanted her DEAD!"
"But boss we can't just kill her like that. We have to slowly kill her of. It's the rules. You made them up anyway."
"Those were in placed for Luka's safety. Not anyone else's."
"Well to bad."
"Boss please... this job makes good money and-"
"Y-yes s-si-sir"
"And quit stuttering you sound stupid."
"Sorry sir."
"Your pathetic"(walks out)

I woke up with a massive pain in my head. "Mmm. God damnit!" My head was pounding and it was kinda hard to see. Blurry to be precise. I just wanted to be home. In my bed. Watching Gilmore Girls. But nope I'm stuck in this shit hole.

A/n:I am sorry this chapter took forever to come out. I am loosing motivation to write this story but I am continuing because this story has potential. Also I have a new book that isn't out yet but I will let you guys in on a tiny secret. The book is a mafia romance😁 Have a good day/night!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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