Chapter 4:Darkness prt.2

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Darkness,that WAS All I saw and I wished it to end but maybe darkness was better then..water
I woke up not feeling great to say the least. My back hurt from sleeping on the hard floor and same with my neck. I sat up and groaned remembering that I was still in the black room. Come to think of it,It might be a attic. I sat up but I couldn't all the way because there were boxes over my head. "Crap. How am I gonna get out of here without making noise and making sure that the grey thing doesn't move it's fat self over here."I decided maybe not to try to come out the top but come from the bottom.

I slowly pushed a box forward. It was like playing Janga but more dangerous. I pushed and it fell to the floor. I sighed. It didn't make too much noise so I should be safe for now. I push another box. It fell to the ground and it made a bit more noise than the other box did. I crawled threw the hole I made making sure I was as quiet as a mouse. Once out of my "hut" I stood up but I collapsed to the floor,making a loud bang. My leg hurting so bad. I quickly tried to stand up but I was too weak. I hadn't had any food,water,and my leg was still bleeding. I heard the steps. "No,no...please." I whispered to my self,shaking my head while letting a tear roll down my check. I saw it but it was as if it didn't know I was there. It just sat in the middle of the floor.

It looked unbothered but then I thought about it. It's probably just waiting for me to move just close enough for it to snatch me and bite me again or worse...kill me.

I decided to stay where I was and move from there as it was far from the monster. I crawled and it hurt my leg but not as much as standing,let alone walking. I was moving crawling and I didn't know where I was going. Everything seemed empty.

I grew tired after maybe 30 minutes or so and I couldn't move and more. It hurt too much, I needed medical attention and my leg was bleeding and I had nothing to wrap it with. I then heard a thud. Thud,Thud,THUD .

I turned to see the monster. I hurried and stood and ran. I groaned from the pain of my leg. I Kept running but I wasn't very fast but I wasn't slow either. I kept running and running until eventually I had to stop. I hid behind a corner when the monster came at me. It was coming right toward me lunging when suddenly it fell. It seemed dead. Then the whole room room started to almost break apart. I felt my head getting heavy and my eyes just praying to be close.

I woke up,my eyes fluttering open. I noticed I wasn't in the dark room. I felt sand between my toes. I stood up and realized I was on a beach. I noticed a road but there was a mountain of sand you had to walk up to get to the sidewalk and then you were at the road. "Hello there. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" I turned my head fast to see a girl my age standing there. She had brown hair,fair skin and eyes like chocolate. She smelt like a warm autumn breeze. "You look like you've seen a ghost,are you alright?" She said in a British accent. She must be British I thought before saying something back to the poor girl. "If I were to tell you the truth,I really don't know. In fact I don't really know anything anymore." She looked away from me like she knew what I meant before looking at me confused. "Ok then we'll why don't we go for a swim."
"I'd love to but my leg is wrapped so it can't go in the water."
"It bit you. Didn't it?"
I stood there stunned
"I said let's go for a swim." She said with a small chuckle and warm smile.

I wonder what she meant by "it". Had she seen the monster too? Who even is this girl? There were so many unanswered questions. There was a voice in the back of my mind telling me the answers to my questions but it was so faint I didn't listen. I walked with the girl all the way to the water. "Jump in mate." I slowly went into the water. She grabbed my wrist."we might want to close your wound first. You know sharks can smell blood a mile away..." I sat down on the shore and she grabbed some tape from a first aid kit that she found from the lifeguard tower. She taped my leg up with a waterproof tape of course.
Then we got in the water. I slowly went in and I walked beside her feeling the mushy sand at the bottom of the silent ocean. There was nothing but the sound of waves crashing at shore. Very peaceful to say the least but also very uneasy too.
Hi=the girl
"What's your name." I asked the girl.
How old are you
Why are you being so friendly
She didn't answer that question. I decided to stop asking questions as she was sorta freaking me out. I noticed we were getting deeper and deeper and deeper until my feet couldn't touch the surface. We kept swimming until she said this."Forgive me." Before I could question it she pushed my head underwater. She held my head down so I couldn't come up. I was losing air in only 30 seconds of being down there. I started kicking for my life. After another moment when am felt like ai was going to die. She let go. I kicked to the surface and gasped out of breath. I noticed Cassidy was gone but I didn't care. I saw a small rock big enough for me to lay on and laid on it. I cried so much. I wanted this nightmare to be over. I heard a whisper in my ear.
Finish the wave...

Hello beautiful people,question of the day is:Would you finish the wave?
Have a good night/day 😁

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