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Eden POV

So much was on my mind now. I don't think I could do this. I was gonna mess everything up. I'm gonna fuck this up and I don't know what will happen. What if the old man doesn't buy it. I'm gonna let everyone down. I started to over think to myself as we were almost there.

I heard all the boys complaining behind me. They were all cramped back there while Harry and I were in the front.

"You couldn't have gotten a car with more room?" I asked Harry feeling bad for the boys.

"I said the same shit." Liam spoke out. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Liam shut the fuck up, would you?" He said annoyed.

"Louis god dammit, quit squirming around." Niall said frustrated. Louis let out a groan in annoyance.

I laughed to myself as the boys complained. I felt bad but it was kinda funny.

I was starting to get a bit uncomfortable in this dress. It felt a bit weird on me. I wore dresses before but this one felt different. I don't know what it was but I just decided to ignore it.

The boys lended me some make up but it was pretty shitty. Where did they get it from? I would like to know the answer to that too. The boys also had some hair products which I used to style my hair a bit.

As I looked outside my window to my right I remember something.

"Uh Harry, where's my truck?" I asked confused. I totally forgot about it. Last time I saw it was when Harry and I made it to the bar to meet the boys.

"At the house." He responded with keeping his eyes on the dark road. There was barely any cars out right now. Which was a surprise to me, because it was only 10:30.

I just nodded but I didn't think he could see me either way. I looked outside the window once again. It was dark out and there was no one out on the streets.

I wonder how long the boys are gonna keep me here with me. I just want to have my old life back. Maybe it was boring and I didn't have nothing to do. But I don't like hanging out with these boys. Especially knowing they are capable of killing people. Harry definitely wants me dead. I don't want to live this life anymore. Especially with them. With Harry by my side he is gonna fuck up my life. What if they make me join them. I don't wanna kill people. I hope this is just a one time thing.

"Will you eventually let me go?" I asked quietly still looking at the window. I still had hope that they were gonna let me go sometime soon. They will have to get tired of me at some point.

Everyone stayed quiet. Even though I was mainly talking to Harry I was at least hoping one of the boys would answer for him. But no one did. I looked to my left towards Harry and saw his eyebrows slightly furrowed as usual.

I stared at Harry until I got an answer. It seemed as if I was invisible and no one heard me. I let out a sigh. I looked down at my lap where I was fidgeting with my dress.

I rubbed the soft material of my dress over and over again. As i was still waiting for answer it was still quiet. All I could here was the sound of the car engine and the way the wheels brushed against the streets. I then shook my head in disbelief.

"You all aren't really planning on keeping me forever?" I said looking back at Harry. I crossed my arms against my stomach as doing so.

My foot moved up and down as I waited for an answer once again. I let out a chuckle sort of like a maniac.

"Okay so you boys are just gonna act like im not here?" I said slouching down a bit into my seat. I was not facing the front of the car watching the road.

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