Chapter Three: The Debutant Rehersals.

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     Susannah had roped me into being a debuntant this summer. Where are the girls dress up in white dresses and do waltzes and stuff? Don't get me wrong, I kind of want to do it. Mostly because everyone is saying things like "It's not you." or "Belly doesn't want to do something like this.". They're right, really, but when someone tells me what I want or don't want, it makes me want to contradict them so bad.

     Well anyway, the first rehersal for the Deb Ball is this morning, and I am already late. I wear a short blue and white checkered dress, with a weird but "necissary" hat. Susannah says that all of the girls will be wearing one. Somehow, I convince my mom to let me drive. I have a learner's permit, but she never wants me driving. I'll really show her when I pass the road test next week.

     I make it to the country club, where the deb rehearsals and the ball will be. I'm walking in when I'm greeted with a familiar voice. "Bells!" Jeremiah yells. I turn to see him in his red swim shorts, carrying a stack of towels and running towards me. I stand and smile, waiting for him to reach me. "Hi!" I giggle as he throws the towels down on a nearby golf cart. "Hi." He says to me looking me up and down. "So... Are you gonna tell me now or am I waiting for the rest of the Disney princesses to arrive?" Jeremiah jokes. I laugh. "I decided to be a Debutant." I finally answer. "That's great." He replies. "Everyone said it was so unlike you and I was just like 'Hey, that's not cool at all, Belly can do what she wants.'" He tells me. I laugh. I never thought of Jeremiah to be the kind of person to stand up for me. "Well thanks for believing in me, Jere." I smile. He smiles too. Jeremiah and I have an understanding. We didn't have to know eachother that well to become friends. We had an unspoken understanding. I get him and he gets me. It's always been like that. Though, the past few days I have been back in Cousins with him, it's been different. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too far into it. I am different than last summer and so is he, so of course our relationship will be, right? Well no matter what, I know that Jeremiah and I will always love eachother, even if it changes into something different this summer.

     Today isn't really a 'rehersal' as much as it is a tea time with the other girls. I am sat with 3 other girls. One of them is the girl Conrad was holding hands with the other night. And one of them is also the girl Steven was kissing the other night. The third girl however, new face. I sit down next to Steven's and Conrad's girls and smile. "H-hi I'm Belly." I introduce myself. They all smile. "Hi, I'm Shayla, nice to meet you." Said Steven's girl. "I'm Nicole, nice to officially meet you Belly." Said Conrad's girl as she reached out to shake my hand. The third girl finally spoke. "My name's Gigi." She says as she smiles. "I-it's so nice to meet you all." I reply. We get on talking a little bit about ourselves for a while before Gigi changed the subject. "So what's in like living with Jeremiah, Belly?" She asks me. I make a weird face. What does she mean? It's just normal living with him. It's nothing special. "Umm.. It's fine I guess." I say as I sip my drink. "Don't mind her." Nicole says. "She's like obsessed with Jeremiah Fisher." Gigi rolls her eyes. What..? She is obsessed with Jeremiah? I've never even heard him mention her. I've never even seen her before. How can she be obsessed with Jeremiah? There is no way she's known him as long as I have, or known him like I do. "You like Jeremiah then?" I ask finally. She nods and drinks. "I hope that's okay." Gigi says. "I didn't think you guys were together?". My smile drops instantly. Do me and Jere look like we are together? That's kind of nice... "No! No..." I answer. "Jeremiah's just my best friend. Nothing more.". She nodded. I said it but I didn't know if I entirely meant it. "Well what about Conrad?" Gigi asks me. Nicole's, Shayla's and My faces change at the same time. "No! No..." Shayla says. "Conrad is with Nicole, remember?". Yes. He has a girlfriend. I keep forgetting about that. Conrad Fisher. My crush since 4th grade, has a girlfriend. I'm happy for him. Though sometimes I wish it was me instead. I realize I've been quiet for too long, so I add "Yeah yeah... Conrad is like my brother. No way.". Nicole shoots Gigi a dirty look and I laugh. I was surprised, but, I like these girls. They're fun. They're unlike any of my other friends. Except Taylor, of course. Taylor would really get along with these girls.

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