Chapter Five: Happy Fourth.

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A few days later, it's finally the fourth of July. My dad is coming down here for the celebration. Jeremiah is super stoked to show everyone his "Super cool" fireworks display. Though I am doubting they're that cool. We're having a barbecue for the fourth, and Susannah has given us all specific jobs to do. Steven cleans the deck and the kitchen, Conrad shucks the corn, and Jeremiah and I set up all the decorations and tables and food outside on the deck. It's a pretty good system. Other than the fact I am with Jeremiah. After the other day, Jeremiah and I haven't had any more "moments", but I'm scared we will.

Once Steven is all done cleaning the deck, Jeremiah and I can get to work. I find him in his room. I knock on the open door before walking in. He looks up to see me. "Hey." I say as I sit next to him on his bed. "We're supposed to be setting up.". He looks at me sad, and it saddens me too. "Hey what's wrong?" I ask, concerned, as I put a hand around his face. "N-nothing it's not a big deal." He states, taking my hand off of him. Wow... "Jere come on what is it?" I ask again. "I just found out my dad's not coming. Which is bumming because I wanted him to see the fireworks.". Jeremiah answers. I didn't know Mr. Fisher wasn't coming... The dads always come on the fourth. It's Susannah's favorite holiday. "Oh.." I start. "I-I'm sorry.". He swats the air as if to say "It's no big deal.". "Come on, you're right we should be setting up." He says with a smile as he grabs my hand and drags me away. I laugh as I run with him to the deck.

     "Alright we need a system here." I suggest to Jeremiah. He makes a confused face. "Like- Who does what." I clarify. "What? You have to make it boring?" I sigh. "Why don't we just work together on everything and call it?" He asks. That's not a half bad plan. "Fine." I give in. "You hang that side of the banner, I'll hang this side." I tell him. He nods. Jeremiah doesn't need the stepladder to reach where the banner hangs. I do, however. Of course, he effortlessly pins the banner up on his side as I struggle. I gasp when I feel someone up behind me. Jeremiah. Jeremiah climbed up the ladder behind me. I feel his breath on my neck as he brings his arms up to meet mine. He holds my hand steady as to help pin the banner up. I swallow hard. I turn my head slightly to be greeted with a smirking Jeremiah, his face half an inch from mine. I knew this would happen. I feel my eyes drift back and forth from his ocean blue eyes to his plump red lips. "Thanks." I whisper. "No problem." He whispers back to me. He lingers for a moment longer before stepping down the ladder. I also step down. Why does he keep doing this to me?! I'm left stunned at the bottom of the ladder as Jeremiah continues well on his day, putting bowls of fruit salad on the table.

     A few hours later, my dad has arrived, and the sun is starting to set. Which means any minute now Jeremiah will be blasting his fireworks. Shayla and Nicole have come over to hang with Conrad and Steven, but somehow they find themselves talking to little old me. "What is with Jeremiah and his fireworks?" She asks jokingly. "Honestly, like it's not a huge deal." Nicole adds as she laughs. They didn't understand. "Well actually they're important because Jeremiah was planning on showing them to his dad, but he couldn't show." I admit. Shayla and Nicole exchange a look. "Sorry Belly we didn't know." Shayla says sweetly. I smile and nod, as I walk away. I see Jeremiah alone in the side yard, sitting next to his fireworks display. I decide to aprroach him. "Hey." I say as I near where he is sitting. He turns his head and smiles at me. "Hey Bells." He replies. I plop down next to him in the grass as we watch the sunset together. He looks bummed still, about his dad. "I'm really sorry about your dad again, Jeremiah." I say to him. He looks over at me, in a very serious way. He places his hand over mine on the grass. "I'm really okay Belly." He assures me. "Really.". I can't help but eye what our hands look like when they're intertwined as they are. It's like everything that used to be normal with Jeremiah is all of a sudden... different. We used to hold hands all the time. Only now when we do, it feels different. I know he knows it too. He quickly swipes his hand off of mine and gets up. He stands next to his fireworks display with a lighter. This is it! "Everybody ready?!" Jeremiah yells to the people in the backyard. A series of whoops and yells go around. I personally clap for Jeremiah. He looks down at me. "Happy Fourth, Bells." He says to me as he lights the fuse. I stand up next to him and we both look up into the sky for the show. Beautiful explosions of color erupt into the sky, lighting up the whole town. I look back down at Jeremiah, and he looks at me too. "It's beautiful." I tell him. He gazes into my eyes and steps closer to me. "You're beautiful." He replies. I swallow hard. This again... Only this time it's different in that I want it to happen. Jeremiah slides a hand on my cheek and pulls my face in towards his as the sky is ligting up. I close my eyes and let my emotions take over as mine and Jeremiah's lips intertwined with eachother. He breaks away after a second, almost as to ask for my consent to continue. I fondly give it to him by kissing him again. This time, wrapping both my arms around his neck. This was it. My summer wish. This night. This boy. It was perfect. Our lips mold together perfectly under the light of the amazingly impressive fireworks. When the kiss is finally over, we're both left smiling at eachother in want. It was amazing.

Before tonight, I'd only ever kissed boys in spin the bottle, not for real. And I wouldn't want anyone but Jeremiah to be my first kiss. I know I'll sleep amazing tonight. Because I know I have someone even more amazing to wake up to.

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