Chapter Nine: Our First Date: Part Two.

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     We don't talk much on our way to the restaurant. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about what Conrad said earlier. He likes me. The whole time I liked him this summer he liked me. Did I make the wrong choice? Should I go with Conrad instead of Jeremiah?

"Hey." Jeremiah says to snap me out of my trance. I observe my surroundings and realize we are at my favorite place in town. "We're here.". I smile at him as we get out of the car. The place is a small Cafè called "Cousins' Eatery". They have the best sandwiches, salads, and baked goods. Jeremiah grabs my hand and holds it tight as we walk inside. I order a chicken ceascar salad and so does he. Jeremiah is forced to let go of my hand when we pick our seats outside on the patio. "I love this place." I say as I pour the dressing on my salad. Jeremiah hesitates as if he wants to say something, but just says "Yeah.. yeah me too.". We conversate minimally as we eat, and I contemplate telling him about Conrad. I don't even know how I feel about it yet. Why bother him? But then again, he deserves to know. "Conrad asked me to the ball." I blurt out, causing Jere to almost choke on his salad. His face goes pale and I can tell he is upset. "Oh." He says. "What did you tell him?". "Well I told him we were going." I answer. He nods, obviously not satisfied. And now it's awkward. "Yeah he actually said he has liked me for a while... crazy right?" I add. When he gets up and throws his food away I finally realize I've said too much. "Crazy." He agrees as he sits back down. Jeremiah spends the rest of our lunch together staring at his feet. The car ride back is even more awkward. "Thank you for lunch." I say as we ride home. He just nods. Sigh. "Listen, Jere. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to be awkwa-" "Do you still like Conrad?" Jeremiah interrupts. Truth be told... I don't really know. I want to say no... but that wouldn't be entirely true. He notices my hesitation and turns back to the road, visibly angry. I decide it's best not to talk for the rest of the car ride. I've never seen Jeremiah like this before. He's always just... Jeremiah.

Our walk back inside is silent. I know Jeremiah can't be that mad, he still opens the car door for me and places his hand on my back as I step out. "Thanks." I tell him as he shuts the door behind me and follows me inside the house. He doesn't reply. He has every right to be mad at me. He asked me if I liked Conrad and I couldn't even answer. God, I have to stop screwing shit up. When we get inside, Jeremiah immediately runs up the stairs to his room, and I don't try to stop him. "Rough date?" My mom asks me as I sit down next to her and Susannah. I nod and sigh. It was. "Well what happened, sweetie?" Susannah asked me. I scope around to see if Conrad or Steven are nearby. "They're at the club." My mom entails, implying she knows who I was scanning for. I sigh and slap my hands down on my legs. "Conrad asked me to the ball today." I admit. Their faces drop. "Yeah... He told me he has liked me for the whole summer and just assumed I liked him even though I am with Jeremiah.". Susannah take a sip of her iced tea, and my Mom's mouth is still agape in shock. Susannah looks like she is conflicted on what to say. I mean, she is basically choosing between her sons, whose side to take. So Mom speaks instead. "Do you like Conrad?". I, again, don't know what to say. They both make annoyed faces. What is with people assuming my answer based on hesitation to answer their question? "I don't know." I answer finally. "I mean I thought I was over him, and that I was fully into Jere now, but I don't know anymore. Something about him asking me to the ball just brought back old feelings, I guess.". My mom looks like she doesn't know what to say. "What did you tell him?" She asks me. "I told him I was going with Jeremiah." I answer immediately. It seems there is nothing more to say, so I walk upstairs and hesitantly approach Jeremiah's bedroom door.

I know that he should be mad, and that I probably shouldn't, but still, I knock on his door 4 times in a row, how I usually do. "Yeah?" I hear him ask. "It's me." I say. Jeremiah is silent for a few seconds. "Come in." He finally says. I slowly open his door and see him laying on his back on the floor, staring at the ceiling. I don't know if I should talk first... or...? I plop down on the floor next to him and I gaze up at his boring, blank, ceiling, and really, I don't get what has him so interested he has to stare at it for this long. He isn't speaking. Just looking. "You know I could never hate you, right?" He asks me, turning his head down to face me. I face him too. What is he getting at? "So if you want to be with Conrad... I think you should.". That's it. This is the moment I was waiting for. When I finally realized that I want to be with Jere. Because he is selfless. He wants me to be happy even if it's with his brother. Conrad, no. He told me he wanted to take me to the ball even though he knows I'm with Jeremiah. "I don't." I tell him. His faces softens up and he smiles. "I want to be with you. And I'm sorry that I didn't say it earlier I know I messed things up between us but I really do.". The nerves set in after I realize it's been almost a minute and he hasn't said anything. "Can you say something because you're really freaking me out." I giggle. He just pulls me in for a hug. We lay there, in eachother's arms, for what feels like an eternity.

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