Chapter 8: Guns

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Class started like usual we all sat at out assigned seats in the back at the lab tables. I sat with Calla, Shay, Dax, Shasta, and Tabby. The rest of the packs’ sat at the next table. Our teacher, Mr. Jenkins was talking about molecular combustion or something of the sort. My table was mostly talking about the deer herds back in Missouri. I wasn’t paying much attention because I was listening to voices outside the window.

“Just go in through the office.” Probably a parent dropping off a student.

“Nah, if we go through the back we can catch them all by surprise.” What?

Then there was a third voice. “Ok you two morons, one of you take five of ya’ to the front, and the other take five through the back. And make sure the guns are loaded this time.” Nope, definitely not a parent. Boots crunched on the gravel and I heard another car pull up.

I was on edge, my boot tapped the floor and then we heard it. A single gunshot echoed through the hallways, making the Guardians tense up and the humans scream.

“What in the world?” Mr. Jenkins said. His chalk seemed to fall in slow motion to the floor as the class room door was kicked open by a very tall, and tough looking man; who held a gun. He scanned the room with his vulture like eyes, taking in the cowering students, then stopping briefly on two of the tables. Where the Guardians sat, we sat there all tense, not moving a single muscle, only breathing in the scent that told us he was a Searcher.

“All right. Listen up.” The greasy haired man said as he grabbed Mr. Jenkins and put him in a head lock. I had to stop myself from growling when he put the gun to our teachers head. “Every one of you is gonna’ file out that door and head to the gym. When you get thar’ you git up on the bleachers and sit. Unless you want a bullet in yer’ poor teachers head.”

I stood up and grabbed a humans arm. “Go. This guy means business.” Once I pulled that one girl up and she slithered out the door, every one began to sidestep out the door.

“Oh ya,” the man added. “If we see anyone with a cell phone both you and yer’ teacher is gonna’ get a bullet through the skull.”

We quietly made our way to the gym and what we saw made me growl under my breath. On one side of the gym was all the elementary kids, and there was three men spread out in front of them, all holding guns. I felt Calla walk up beside me. “The only Searcher here it the man from our class, the rest are just hired humans.” She whispered under her breath.

“He is an idiot.” Was all I said. We sat on a bench towards the middle. I watched as the Searcher walked into the gym. “Shasta. I need your sunglasses.” She dug n her bag and got them, I slid them on. They were just in case I got mad enough for my eyes to change to gold. I want sure what people would thing if they saw that.

“Hey, kiddies! Listen, I am looking for somebody. This man did something very bad. I heard that he was here in this school, disguised as a student.” He acted as though he was getting dust off his gun barrel. “Have any of you heard the name Zachariah Pizzaro? No? Alrightly then.”

The Searcher grabbed the nearest person, which was a little kindergartener and waved his gun in front of her face. Every single person gasped and leaned on the edge of their seats. She was crying and I was glad for the sunglasses because I knew for a fact that my eyes had changed to gold. “Does this jog anybody’s memories? Hmmm? We don’t want this little girl to get hurt do we?”

I snapped.

“That’s it!” I yelled. I stood up and began stomping down the bleachers, not bothering to go to the stairs. “You think you can come here and put a gun to our heads? Think you can threaten to kill us? Well guess what!” I had jumped the last few benches and had walked most of the way to the moron. The Searcher had pushed the little girl away and she ran back to her teacher. “You. Are. Wrong. You want a fight or something? Well you got one. Right here.”

The Searcher cocked his head to one side. “Sorry sweet pea. But the only person that’s gonna fight around here is maybe two of the numb-skulls I brought today.” He reached up and ran a dirty calloused hand along my jaw. I grabbed his hand and twisted his arm hard, and he was forced to turn around or his shoulder would be dislocated.

He lifted his arm to point the gun at me but I twisted it out of his hand and dropped it on the floor. “Look me in the eyes.” I told him and he twisted his head to look at me. I pulled my sunglasses off and stuck them in my pocket. I stared into the man’s frightened eyes. My eyes were their usual gray-blue color on the outside of the iris but my irises where outlined in gold. I watched as the refection in his eyes went completely gold, the gray-blue color being eaten the gold.

“Your one of them! They told me there wasn’t supposed to be any here today!” The Searcher gasped.

I smiled. “Yes, I am one of them and proud of it. But more importantly, I am an alpha and you trespassed onto my territory. Most importantly though; you pissed me off.” I twisted his arm harder and I heard a pop that made the Searcher yelp in pain. I kicked his knees and when he bent back to fall I bashed him in the face with my elbow.

“Hey! That girl just took down the boss! Get her!” one of the men yelled. I watched one of them out of the corner of my eye as he ran towards me. When he was about to tackle me I did a one-eighty and punched the guy in the back of the neck. I heard a gunshot and a hole appeared in the wall behind me. I pulled a knife out of the holster on the man’s side I had just taken down, and I chucked it at shooter. It hit his hand and sent his gun sliding across the floor to where the teachers where tied up.

“Br- Julie!” Calla yelled. “Watch out! They are behind you!” then she jumped off the bleachers and onto a gun-man, smashing his face against the wood floor. I turned on a dime and switch-kicked somebody in the gut. I took his knife and slid it across the floor to where the teachers where sitting with eyes the size of dinner plates.

When I turned back around I saw that all the Guardians and even a few brave humans had begun to fight to. My nose picks up the scent of human blood and I scan to find who it was. My eyes landed on a few blood spatters on the floor. Jason was standing over it a gash along his thigh, a man with a knife came up from behind him and raised his knife.

“No!” I yell, and I caught the man off guard he looked puzzled for a moment but chucked the knife at me. It sliced just my eyebrow, and I could tell it was poisoned by the way the cut got hot and stung. Skidding to a stop I realized that the man was on the floor and unconscious, and that Tristan was helping him up. When I felt something in my hand I saw that I had grabbed my knife out of my boot. I quickly closed it and dropped it back in.

Shay ran up to me. “Bryn are you ok? You’re bleeding.”

“Ya I’m fine, it’s just a little blood.”

I heard sirens outside that told me the police were here. The police ran in and took in the scene around them. before they could come over to where I was I walked over to the little girl.

“Are you ok sweetie?” I asked her. She answered my running at my and jumping into my arms.

“You saved me from the bad man.” She said into my hair.

“Yes. I will do it again for any of you any day.”

I put her down and the news reporters and their cameramen came bustling through the door, and ran towards me and Calla after a teacher pointed us out. Little did any of us know, this would not be the last time we had to deal with guns and knives at school.

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