Chapter 7: Territorial

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I spent the rest of our visit tending to little Andy, and wondering what was up with Shay. I wasn't happy after we put all the kids in bed and we went home. I was going to have to go to school and deal with some very interesting people.

As I walked past Calla who was muttering something about stupid teachers who give seven page tests on Mondays. "Calla. You know your grade already. Why are you so edgy about it?"

"Ya ya. I know. It's mostly that the teacher is just plain stupid anyways. Night."

I chuckled to myself. All the male teachers who had any of the female Guardians seemed to give us A's no matter what. The male Guardians had the same effect on the female teachers. In one way it was cool that we pretty much never had to do work to pass our classes, in another way it was screwed up that the teachers did that. But hey, I'm not complaining.

When I reached my room I noticed my door was cracked open some. I walked in and saw Dax sitting on my bed. He quickly stood up and swallowed hard. "Uh, look I.... uh... I'm sorry about yesterday I..."

"Dax its fine." I kept trying to interrupt him but he kept talking. I finally gave up after a few more tries and pressed my lips against his. Again, the heat rose in my chest and I thought I would burst. Dax's body tensed then relaxed against me, and his arms wrapped around my waist protectively.

He slowly pulled away and licked his bottom lip, "what was that for?"

"It was to thank you." I smiled and he slowly dropped his arms to his sides. "Besides you wouldn't shut up."

He chuckled then walked out the door saying good night on his way out.


Like always, I woke up at seven, I always do on school days. I rolled myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom. My hair was a mess so I brushed it then my teeth. I noticed a sticky note on my closet door. I set out some shoes and a jacket. You pick the rest. Look on the hammock.

Lying on my hammock was a pair of dark brown leather boots that almost reached my knees with a buckle on the ankle. Next to them was a shirt and jacket. I changed, but as I walked out the door I had a gut feeling to take a knife. So I grabbed my black six-inch switchblade knife, I slid it into my boot, and then hopped down the stairs. I grabbed an apple and a granola bar. I didn't bother paying any attention to everyone else walking through the kitchen door like zombies.

The packs' had two motor cycles that we shared. I fired one up and sped down the road towards the school. I better enjoy this. I had to go back to Missouri in four days. I had to get back to my "family". The family I was staying with had their daughter stolen by Searchers when she was only a year old, and she must have been very important for Searchers to steal her. I was sent there so that we could gather information and because the family had "great importance" or something like that.

We had to have someone enchant me to be a baby for a while, and presto: I was their daughter. I still knew why I was there, my body had just changed. Once I turned fifteen the enchantment wore off, and they never figured out what I am. The family was my family and I loved them. They had let me come down to California to "visit some friends" for a couple months.

I pulled up to the school and immediately noticed that the senior football star, Jason, was smiling right at me. He pushed through the crowd of hopeful girls that surrounded him.

"Hey Julie. What's up babe?" he said as he leaned against the car I had parked next to. His white teeth gleamed in the sunlight. My name to the humans was Julie, and Calla's was Maddie.

"First: don't call me babe. Second: why do you ask me what's up? Half those girls over there keep constant tabs on me and Maddie to make sure that we don't try and make a move or something."

Jason nodded once. "Well that is probably true. But hey, I can't help that the ladies love me." He smiled, "Hey I got an idea. Play along, OK?" he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Look like your bored or something." I didn't have to try for that one. He has been hitting on me since day one that I've been here.

One of the girls in the little mob turned her head and her jaw dropped. She yanked on her friends coat before whispering something to the others. I was about to push Jason away when somebody walked up from behind and jerked him away from me.

"What the?! What is your problem?!" Jason yelled as he stumbled, but when he straightened and saw who it was. "Oh, Shay. uh, this your girl?"

Shay gave Jason a crooked grin. "Let's just say if you ever touch her like that again... use your imagination."

Jason looked uneasy, and a bit ticked. "Ok, ok. I get it. Julie is off-limits if I want to keep my head." He walked away after looking at me, to be shortly surrounded by the girls again.

I poked Shay's broad chest. "what was that all about? I can handle myself you know. Besides I have to have some fun before we leave in a few days."

Shay took a deep breath and leaned his head to one direction slightly. "Never mind, make sure he knows we are leaving." After looking at Jason he looks back at me."Even for a human he annoys me. come on we need to get to class."

"Ok. I don't get why you are so... territorial." I told him as we walked towards the school. I met Calla in first hour, and I sat down in my seat next to her.

First and second hour went by slowly but third hour was the slowest. It wasn't until fourth hour that things began to speed up.

ok here it is. I know it is short but I promise I will put another part on here by tomorrow night or the next morning. thanks for reading. :) 

remember I changed some names to what I had them at previously. sorry if I missed some.

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