Chapter 12: Screw It

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wow. i have been so busy, so sorry about slow Updates!  i am planning on updating again my the end of this week. i know it is really short, but tell me what you think.


      A blast of negative twenty-five degree, snow filled air hit my face like a brick wall. The scent of pine trees, jet fuel, and the crisp clean snowy smell of Alaska filled my nostrils. It was pitch black other than the airstrip, airplane hangar, and a few car headlights.

      I pulled my hood up and flung my bag over my shoulder. “Let’s go. We need to get to the camp.”

      We got into a big snow truck, and Daniel began to drive away from the airway. The dark night sky was mostly all we could see besides the moon and the forest blurring past us. Laughter and talking filled the cab and I felt very comfortable sitting in between Shay and Dax. Dax’s voice boomed and Shay laughed in reply to what he said.

      The seemingly endless road and blowing snow put me in a trance; and I realized that I was tired for some reason. The voices in the cab and the screaming wind dulled and quieted. I felt myself begin to nod off, until I finally fell asleep.




      The first thing I thought of when I wake up is: Where in the Hell am I? Sitting up, I smelled a small group of the packs’, wood smoke, something that smelled very good to say the least and… straw? It is still fairly dark and chilly, except for light and heat radiating off of a small fire in a stone fireplace in the corner. The light from the fire casts shadows against a large old fashioned cast iron stove, a sink, a couple drawers and cupboards, and a door near the sink.

      I lay back down and stiffen when something hard and warm makes contact with my back. I turn my head and can make out a face… Shay’s face... he was what smelled good... I sit straight up and look around the large room, which I am pretty sure is a modified barn. There is a very thick layer of straw covering the floor, and every couple yards there was what looked like a pile of buffalo hides. There is two Guardians per buffalo I think. We don’t have to stay this warm, we can take the cold, but if we stay warmer, we tend to sleep better, so we wake up better. And trust me nobody every wants to go through another Amber meltdown.


      They stuck me with Shay, how did I not wake up?! I was usually a light sleeper. I lay back down, but distance myself from Shay, despite the distant desire to get closer.

      Why are we not at the camp? And why am I sleeping with Shay? After a moments thought I mentally dunked my head in ice water. Don’t think of it like that… is sounds… strange. What was even stranger though, was that I was not as I against that thought as I told myself I was.

      Screw it. I’m tired and going to sleep. I’ll sort all this out in the morning.




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