18. ✰

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EL LAY HER head on her sister's shoulder as Lucas wrapped a blanket around her body. She was shivering from the water and still shaken up from what had happened. Mabel watched as Hopper, Joyce and Jonathan ran out of the gym, leaving the kids behind. About twenty-five minutes later, no one returned and the kids were still left alone. Mabel noticed Mike was getting worried and he kept bouncing his knee up and down.

Suddenly, he shot up, striding out of the gym. "Where's he going?" Dustin asked. He was back before they knew it. "They're gone," he told them when he walked back in. "What?" Lucas asked. "Nancy and Jonathan. His car's gone," Mike said. "They're probably just sucking face somewhere," Dustin rolled his eyes. Mabel chuckled lightly, before going back to a straight face when Mike glared at her.

"No. No way!" Mike protested. "Did they go with the chief?" Dustin asked. "I don't know," Mike replied. El lifted her head off Mabel's shoulder and looked up at Mike. "No," she stated. "What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?" Mike questioned the girl. "Yes," El answered. "Where? Where did they go?" Mike's questions continued. El sucked in a deep breath before answering, "Demogorgan,"

The boys started debating on what they were going to do while El and Mabel sat curled up on the bleachers. "Guys, guys! This is crazy. We can't just wait around," Mike shook his head. "Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us," Lucas reminded him. "Yeah, and we don't even know where your sister is," Dustin agreed. "One of the girls can find them," Mike argued. "Mike, look at them!" Dustin pointed at the girls sitting on the bleachers, tired and traumatized. "Excuse me?" Mabel scoffed, swiftly looking Dustin up and down.

"I still think we should stick to the chief's plan," Dustin says after making a face towards Mabel. "Exactly. We stay here, keep El and Mabel out of sight and keep them safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, Nancy's okay. She's with Jonathan," Lucas stated. "Yeah, and she's kind of a badass now, so..." Dustin adds, walking away. "Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!" Mike calls after him. "I am. I'm just gonna go get some chocolate pudding. I'm telling you, Lunch Lady Phyllis hoards that shit," Dustin yells over his shoulder.

Mike scoffs. "Are you serious?!" he throws up his arms. "El and Mabel need to be recharged," Dustin turns around once more, shrugging. El stands up, watching as Dustin walks out of the gym and Lucas follows him. Mabel crossed her arms, rolling her eyes. "I do not need to be recharged. I'm perfectly fine—" Mabel tries to stand up but falls right back down on the bleachers when her legs give out and a pain shoots through her ankle. "Well, you did throw a van into the air earlier," Mike smiles. Mabel giggles, grinning up at the boy. "Yeah, I did do that."

MABEL AND MIKE sat at a cafeteria table together, El in the kitchen helping Dustin and Lucas find the chocolate pudding. Dustin's yell made Mabel jump. "Mike, I found the chocolate pudding!" he screamed, his voice cracking. "Okay!" Mike screamed back, before turning back to Mabel. "So, you feeling any better?" he asked softly. "A little bit. My knees still feel like jelly and my ankle still hurts, but not as much. Small headache too," Mabel gave a sad smile.

"Hey, Mae, you know, my mom's a pretty awesome cook. I bet we could take in Eleven a—and my parents would take care of her. She can make El whatever she likes, my mom," Mike starts rambling. Mabel grins, biting down on her lower lip, noticing the nickname slip out of Mike's mouth. "Mae?" she asks. "Sorry. Mabel. I don't know why I said that," Mike shakes his head. "No, it's cute, I'm just playing with you. But, trust me, Mike, Jess will be more than happy to take Eleven in. No need to give your mother an extra kid," Mabel giggles, playfully shoving Mike's shoulder.

Mike smiles before taking in a deep breath. "See, I was thinking, after all of this is over and Will's back, you could come to the Snow Ball with me. Like we can go, together, you know?" he suggested. "What's the Snow Ball?" Mabel furrowed her eyebrows. "It's a cheesy school dance where you go in the gym and dance to music and stuff. I've never been before but I feel like it would be fun if we go together," Mike explains. "Oh, really? I thought you would maybe wanna go with someone like Will," Mabel smiled, not understanding the concept of a school dance.

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