Chapter 7

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The wolf dashes outside, passing people on the staff screaming and crying; other experiments are taking their opportunity and escaping amongst the chaos. The wolf-like creature pays them no mind and runs into the tree line. It stops and turns

to see the facility burst into flames; a plume of black smoke shoots up into the night sky as pieces of the building fly everywhere. A satisfying feeling washes over the wolf, happy to see the place that caused him nothing but pain and misery go up in flames. Huffing, it turns around and continues its journey to a safer place, wherever that may be.

                                                                            * * * * * * * * * * *

Meanwhile, back at what was once the facility, Dr. Rebel stares in horror as her life crumbles before her. Everything that she worked for her parents worked for is gone. She doesn't understand how something like this could have happened. Everything seemed fine, normal. They were getting ready for bed when their home phone rang. When she learned that everything was burning, the only thing she was fixated on was; what happened to her beloved experiment? Did it die? Was all her hard work completing her parents' research gone to waste?. Surely Jessica was exaggerating; there's no way there was an explosion. So what could have caused such a massive thing to happen? Not wanting to waste time trying to figure it out, Violet hangs up on Jessica's rambling and heads straight to the now burned-down building.

When they first pulled up to the grounds of their workplace, the Doctors' were at a loss for words; Everything was gone. Nothing was left except burnt chards of what was the facility. Getting out of their car, they rushed to where everyone could escape the blaze gathered.

"What on earth happened?" Violet asks, doing a silent headcount of the staff in front of her; four are missing.

"We think it was something the science lab was working on." An injured staff member said. "Most of that part of the building was destroyed."

"B-but then the fire spread faster than anyone could realize it."

"We tried to follow protocol and get the experiments to their designed area, but the explosion knocked out all the locks on their cells, and they were all running wild."

"We were able to save some, but they're the minor ones. . ." An assistant says uncomfortably.

Inhaling deeply, Violet tries not to let her anger get her best, not when something tragic happens. Looking at her staff, some wounded, some not, she's somewhat grateful they're all almost there. "That doesn't matter now; what matters is getting the injured to the hospital."

"Has anyone called the emergency services?" Dr. Robinson asks.

"I did, sir. They should be here any minute."

"Good, let's start organizing ourselves. Put the injured in order from the most critically wounded to the least critically injured; I'll need someone to help me capture and hide the experiments we captured."

"Yes, sir!"


He's tired; he has been running for hours, trying to escape the place that caused him so much pain, putting as much distance between him and them. His paws pound against the pine needle-covered ground as his aching legs drive him forward. The young wolf's chest aches as his heart and lungs try to keep up with the adrenaline coursing through his body. His ears twitch with every sound the forest makes, and his eyes dart from side to side, scanning his new surroundings. Suddenly, he skids to a stop, heart racing as he panics at a fence in front of him.

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