
After reading the note that Luke wrote me, I decided I had to get up now or I never would. Call me weird but I kept the note too. I thought it was really sweet.

I went to Lizzie's room to find her still passed out. I sigh and go into the bathroom, deciding a quick shower couldn't hurt. I play some songs by mayday parade while I shower. When I get out, I wrap the towel (which I totally almost forgot.) around myself. I then open the door, I'm about to exit when my body collides with something, or rather someone.

I look up to see Calum. "Sorry." I say smiling sheepishly. "No, I'm sorry. I should've watched where I was going." He apologized. Then he glanced down at me and saw me wearing only a towel. "I'm gonna go..." he said, pointing towards Luke's room. "Yea you do that, imma go in here." I say gesturing towards Lizzie's room.

I go to walk in Lizzie's room but notice Luke right behind Calum. "Oh hey, Luke." I smile and send a little friendly wave before entering Lizzie's room.

"Hey...Adrian.." He trailed off.



"Dude, I totally just walked into her and then I saw she was only wearing a towel, talk about awkward situations." Calum said holding his hands up in a look of surrender.

"Yea I saw that..." I respond back dryly. Not really sure why but I can't really think of anything else. Or rather, anyone else.

When I saw her Yesterday for the first time in months.. it's like a completely different person. Sure she looked beautiful before but she looks more matured. We have music, lunch, and econ, together.

I always knew she was smart. But idk there's just something different about her and I can't stop thinking about her. But not in a romantic way or anything. She's definitely like a little sister to me.... Right ?

"Uhhh are you alright dude ?" Calum asks. I snap my head up and look at him. "Huh ?" I ask looking at him blankly. "I asked if you were alright. You haven't left that spot since Adrian passed us in the hall." He says laughing.

"Yea, yea I'm fine."

"So Adrian is really beautiful huh ? She had a massive glow up." Michael says.

"Uh huh," I reply not really paying attention.

"So do you think I should try to, I don't know, ask her out ? You think she'd go for me ?" He asks.

That's when I snapped my head up to look at him. "No. And she's off limits anyway." I respond without another thought. "You sure, you're okay, mate ?" Calum asks again.

"I'm fine. Why do you keep asking me that ?" I groan. "I don't know, dude. You don't really sound like yourself. I think if Michael wants to ask her out, he should give it a try." Cal continues.

"I just- she's like a little sister to me. She's off limits." I say.

"Luke can I talk to you for a minute ?" Cal asks before getting up. I look over to Mike and he just looks bummed. But honestly I don't care. He's not gonna ask out my sisters friend.

"Look something is going on and I think you need to come to terms with it before it slips out of your fingertips." Cal starts. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I say blankly looking at him.

"You obviously have more than just friendly feelings towards Adrian. Or I should say more than just Brotherly/sisterly feelings." He starts. "You need to do something about it before someone else comes along. You'll miss your chance dude." Cal continues.

"I don't know what you mean." I say confused.

"Look, I've seen it. I know what it looks like. You like her. I can tell. And if you keep being in denial then she's gonna slip out of your fingertips and you'll miss your chance. You don't want to miss your chance." He finishes.

"I don't have feelings for her like that. I think I would know if I did." I shake my head laughing.

"Okay. Fine. If you say so. Don't say I didn't warn you though." He says before leaving me alone in the hallway.

Do I like Adrian ? Is it that obvious ? No, I couldn't possibly like her. She's my little sisters best friend. That's all.

I was about to go back into my room but I was stopped by the sound of Adrian's laugh.

"Oh my god, Lizzie. You did NOT just take that picture of me." She laughs. "I think that's the most photogenic picture you've ever taken of me." She states.

"Really ?" Lizzie asks, sounding surprised. "No ! Now delete it before you accidentally send it to everyone." Adrian replies laughing.

"Whyyyyy ?" Lizzie groans. "Cause I'm practically naked, if it was a picture of just my face, I'd let you keep it." Adrian says, more serious.

"You're no fun." Lizzie says. "Uh oh...." Lizzie says.  *Ding* "What ?" Adrian asks, sounding confused. I look down to see I got a message from Lizzie. "Adrian.... I accidentally sent that to my brother..." Lizzie replies sounding ashamed. "WHAT ?!" I hear Adrian scream.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just joking but then it sent, I was gonna delete it. I'm really sorry." Lizzie says panicking.

I open the message and see a picture of Adrian posing for the camera while making a silly face. One hand is on her hip and the other is holding up a peace sign.

She's wearing a baby pink bralette and a pair of light grey underwear. She looked kind of cute...

No, not cute. Shut up, Luke.

She obviously doesn't want me seeing this... but I just can't get myself to delete it. I know it's wrong. I'm not really sure why, I definitely don't like her. At all. Not even in the slightest. But even I know, that this picture will exist in my memory forever.



"Lizzie ! He's totally gonna see me naked." I exclaim. "I know, I'm sorry. Let's just hope he never got it. I don't think he opens up my texts anyways, I've never gotten a response from him before." She says trying to calm me down some.

"Let's hope you're right because I will never be able to look at him the same if I know he's seen me that way." I say gripping the bridge of my nose.

"It's almost the same as a bathing suit anyway, you're fine, at least you weren't completely nude." She says reassuring me.

"You're right. I just need to breathe. He'll probably never see it." I repeat back to myself.

"Here," she says patting the spot next to herself. "We'll watch some criminal minds to cheer you up." She says.

"You know me so well." I reply throwing on some clothes before settling in the spot beside her. But the thought of him seeing that picture doesn't leave my brain. Is it bad that I kind of hope he sees it ? So maybe he doesn't look at me as a little girl anymore ? I don't know what I'm saying, I hope he doesn't see it.

But little does she know, he already has.

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