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Fuck. He messed up. He messed up really bad. Noel woke up that morning on Shawn's couch, in his boxers. Fuck, fuck, fuck. What was he even thinking last night, why did he do that.

Noel had been interested in Gracie every since he first met her. The only problem was that Gracie was Shawn's girl. So naturally with a few drinks in his system, drunken Noel thought it would be a great idea to try and kiss Gracie. Obviously she did not reciprocate those feelings. Noel wanted to get up and smooth things over with Gracie, she could not tell Shawn what had happened. Shawn would never forgive him. So Noel, seeing that Shawn was still passed out, quickly threw on some pants and made some coffee. He went to Gracie's room and knocked on the door, he didn't expect her to fling the door open so quickly.

"Good morning Gracie, I was hoping we could talk," Noel said, with an apologetic tone.

"Noel, I have no interest in talking to you about anything," she said angrily, with furrowed brows.

Gracie slammed the door right in his face. Fuck. there was absolutely no way Noel would be able to smooth things over, let alone convince her not to tell Shawn. "Gracie, come on. I want to apologize about last night," he said through the door.

"It's fine Noel, let's just please forget that the whole situation ever happened"

He felt a rush of relief. Even though he did not want to forget about what had happened, he knew it was the right thing to do. Noel walked away, letting Gracie have her space.

Thankfully the lake house would be swarming with all of their friends sooner rather than later. Noel decided to get ready and head out for an early morning skate, to try and take his mind off things.


He couldn't stop thinking about Gracie. He was sure that she was going to blab to Shawn about the whole incident. He kept waiting for Shawn to come towards him screaming, or ready to beat the shit out of him but that never happened.

The hockey game turned out to be a blast. Noel got to release some of his energy on the ice. Gracie did not play in the game, she just sat there on the sidelines watching them. Every so often, Noel swore he would catch her ogling him. This turned him on. Was she interested in him? Maybe it was all in his head, but Noel couldn't help but think that maybe she felt something too when he drunkenly crept into her room. 

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