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She breathed heavily. In and out, in and out. Every muscle in her body was engaged. Her body shook with power. Her stance was strong, she was strong. The Kata lasted two and a half minutes and through it all she kept her strength. Gracie had been practicing karate since she was a little girl. Over the years, she developed such power in preforming her Kata's and she was very proud of it. She was not an incredibly tall girl being five feet and seven inches tall. She was not skinny but she was really fit. Her legs were perfectly sculpted with the right amount of muscle. Gracie was also quite curvy with a tiny waist and larger hips.

She felt a gaze, even though everyone was watching her Kata, this gaze felt as though the person was not focused on the movements but her body. Sure enough when she finished and looked up at the crowd panting, she saw him.

He was average in height and appearance but his eyes were bluer than the sky. He was staring at her with a goofy looking smile on his face. He was quite adorable. She didn't even realize that she had been declared the winner for her Kata, with all the staring from this stranger. As people started to clear out the stranger approached her.

"Hi," the stranger said with a smile.

"Hello," Gracie replied softly.

"My name is Shawn," he said.

"I'm Gracie," she replied smiling.

"I couldn't help but notice you when you were up there," Shawn said.

"Thanks, I practiced for over a month trying to get that Kata perfected," she said.

"Well you sure nailed it, look I was wondering if maybe you could teach me some time," he said.

"I'm not much of a teacher, but sure I wouldn't mind," she replied.

"Here's my cellphone number call or text me when you're ready, and with a location," he told her.

"Sounds good," she smiled.

With the competition, over and adrenaline still pumping in her veins, Gracie decided that it would be best if she went back to her studio and practiced more. Her studio was roughly ten minutes away from where the competition was. She grabbed her stuff and hoped into her car.

In the car, she had the chance to think about Shawn and how incredibly cute he was. Thinking about him and their interaction sent a number of tingles in between her legs. She was caught off guard rather than surprised by this interaction. Gracie was not oblivious to the fact that she was a gorgeous woman. She knew this and liked to use it to get attention from male figures. However, this was different. Normally she would not get this kind of attention regarding her sport.

When she arrived at her studio as per usual the parking lot was empty. She was still wearing her white Karate suit and black belt. When she unlocked the door, and stepped inside she noticed a car pulling in, through the mirror along the wall that faced the door. The car was unfamiliar. Gracie was instantly intrigued.

She decided to put her bag away and set up for her session. Just as she started setting up a familiar figure approached the door. When he opened the door, and walked inside wearing athletic clothes she was instantly turned on.

"Hey Gracie, I hope it's okay that I followed you here, I just couldn't get enough," Shawn said with a wink.

"I was just about to start training, you can join me," she replied with a flirtatious tone. "Absolutely," he said.

"First we're going to start with a few leg exercises to engage the muscle," Gracie stated.

The pair started with squats and lunges. Then they progressed to cardio exercises such as jumping jacks, skipping rope and burpees. When their muscles were warmed up, Gracie asked Shawn what he needed help with and what he needed her for.

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