Chapter Eleven: Auger of Death

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I was pacing back and forth in the grotto, my hands alternating from twisting together or raking my hair back from my flushed face. Due to the insignificant air in the cramped, dim space, a light sheen of sweat was beginning to encase my body. Everything was coming together, the pieces of the puzzle finally falling into place, although I felt all too quickly. 

Oisin studied my face with thinly veiled annoyance, as if he had been waiting for a long time for me to figure it out, whatever "it" was. My hands itched to wipe that smirk off his face, but I just swallowed hard and fisted my hands together instead. 

"Okay," I said, spreading my arms out to pace my words, "You're the green-eyed-boy. Morrigan sent you. Wait, did Morrigan send you? And you're also a raven. Or can you shapeshift. But are you the only one-"

Oisin stood up to cut off my rambling, with a slight nod, probably appropriately timed. "Yes, The Morrigan sent me," He sighed and rolled his eyes sarcastically towards me, "I'm not really a student, I'm one of The Morrigan's..." He hesitated, trying to choose the appropriate words but in the meantime my brain was also working to fill in the blank space.

"Assistants?" I guessed, but the dark look on Oisin's face made me second-guess my gut reaction. 

"I really don't like that word," He gritted his teeth together in disgust, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the side of the grotto. "I prefer 'auger of death'." Wow, real subtle there. I also wondered why there was a low simmer of rage below his words as the spoke of Morrigan and what that backstory was. Also, didn't augers study the entrails of dead birds? Coincidence, I think not. 

But at the same time, I said "Minion," and he scowled at me again. I raised my hands in innocence and gave him a toothy smile. This was fun, riling him up. 

"Okay, yes, fine." Oisin sighed again, something I gathered he did often, and raked a hand through his dark blonde hair, which I noticed had some more ashy streaks running through it. Maybe a side-affect from the shapeshifting? "The Morrigan owns me, but I prefer to think of myself as a free spirit these days." 

I raised my eyebrows at him. "But Morrigan sent you to help me, right? And you can help me discover what my powers are?"

Oisin face moved from dark to brooding in a second. "Listen," he spoke honestly, "This is no joke. I don't know why The Morrigan chose you, probably because of some stupid ancient prophecy or what not, or why she allows you to call her just Morrigan instead of The Morrigan, but she seriously doesn't like it when people start taking other's lives without it being in her 'masterplan.'" He added air quotes for more impact. "Anyway, yes, she sent me, I am the green-eyed boy, but I don't have any idea about what kind of powers Morrigan gave you." My eye twitched and Oisin, catching sight of it, pursed his lips and looked away quickly. 

I stared at him in silence. "Then how are you supposed to help me?  What can a raven do to stop death? Don't you just, uh, herald it or whatever?" I felt his gaze smolder, catching my eyes, and it made my face flush with heat but also feel very uncomfortable at the same time. 

Oisin narrowed his eyes at me and stepped towards me. Disturbed by his increasing proximity I took a step backwards as he kept advancing. My back hit the door of the grotto and I stumbled out, my body hitting the hard ground. I winced, but at least it wasn't raining anymore. 

Oisin chuckled at my bleak misfortune and held out a hand to help me up. I couldn't help but sneaking a look at his biceps as he helped me up, and internally, I swooned. Outwardly, I scowled. 

"Don't ever do that again," I snapped, quickly fixing my cardigan and noting that the sky had gone back to a sunken lead gray. The trees had darkened against the shifting horizons, stretching out either way with their skinny arms. 

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