Chapter Nine: Disbelief

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The next few days ran together in a blur. The discovery of Grandpa's body was followed with a brutal interrogation by the police in which I was questioned to no end. Honestly, at this point I was surprised a SWAT team hadn't taken over the funeral home.

No one could deny that two deaths in one month, in which the bodies turned up in the same place, didn't come across as suspicious. And unfortunately, at this point, I was Suspect Number 1. Like seriously, the police couldn't find anyone else to blame? But no.

I had started my own list as well, but there was no one on it. I mean, who did I really have to suspect? Who out there in the big wide world hated my family, and me, so much that they would go to this extent?

I didn't even know where to start. This whole crazy game had me wanting to forfeit already. But I had to start somewhere, and this was the day.

It was a draining, drizzly day. We were only a few weeks out from Halloween, and already I was over it. I just wasn't feeling it this year. Especially because of, well, the deaths.

We had just said goodbye to Grandpa. As my Dad drove away from the cemetery where Grandpa's body reposed in a wooden casket for eternity, I felt my resolve firm up as I glanced around the interior of the black SUV and looked into the faces of my family.

Mother's and Dad's faces held nothing but bleak despair. Their family and their business were dying right before their eyes.

The triplets were no better. During family car rides they were usually fighting about something or even telling jokes or playing simple pranks, but not today. Grim silence hung in the air, thick and dense.

The looks on their faces confirmed it all. Who was next? Would it be one of us? I shuddered violently at the thought and pinched my eyes shut. It was time I fought back.

I ran upstairs to my room as soon as we arrived home. Crossing my room, I glanced at myself in my mirror and scowled. The black wool dress did not suit my figure and I looked horrible in black.

I opened my laptop and nestled into the pillows on my bed. Opening my web browser, I typed "Morrigan" into the search engine. I bit my lip in anticipation. This was the moment of truth. I was going to finally uncover what gifts the Morrigan had gifted me.

The first link I clicked on held information that was accurate, but was information I already knew. I needed to know more information about the "gifts" she had given me.

So, I proceeded to search again, this time adding the word "powers" to my search. This time, I hit the jackpot.

She could prophesize death. Check. She could speak to ravens. Check. She could shapeshift. Not too sure about that.

I grabbed my blue comforter off my bed and wrapped it around me and stared out the window. But what about my defensive weapon? The Morrigan had given me something, something that was entirely my own, but what exactly? I guess time would have to tell.

Speaking of time, I had decided as soon as I had found Grandpa's body that I was going to tell Declan and Rory my theory that someone was out to get our family. I was going to tell them everything, after all I still remembered the Morrigan's words "Trust the green-eyed boy." Now was the time.

I quickly brought out my phone and opened the group chat, quickly texting everyone asking them if they were available to come over ASAP. Rory quickly responded with a "yes," and Declan did as well soon after.

I had just put my phone down when someone knocked at my door.

I quickly closed my laptop and stood up, thinking it to be one of family. "Come in-"

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