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Isobel and Alaric are standing at the bar.

It's good to see you. You look good. I hear that you're a high school history teacher? How is that?

Where have you been, Isobel?

I don't have any reasons that are gonna comfort you. I don't have any explanations that are gonna satisfy you. I wanted this.

It's that simple?

Yeah. You were supposed to mourn me, and move on.

You were my wife, and I loved you. How could I not search for you?

Because I wasn't lost, Ric.

She takes a paper and writes something.

I understand that you know my daughter Elena and I hear that she's been looking for me. So...

She gives the paper to Alaric.

I want you to arrange for a meeting with us along with her two younger sisters

Alaric looks at the paper.

You want me to deliver a message?

(smiles): Yeah.

Alaric throws the paper.

Screw you. You selfish bitch.

He gets up and leaves.

In the parking lot, Alaric is going to his car. Isobel arrives behind him.

What do you want from me?

I told you.

I'm not gonna do anything for you.

She strangles him and pushes him against his car.

You better tell Elena that I want to meet or I'm gonna start killing the citizens of this town one by one and I'm gonna start with your history students. Got it?

She throws him on the floor and gives him the paper. He gets up and looks at the paper.

before she leves she shout tell her to bring the twins.


Mystic Falls High School

Alaric and Damon talk in Alaric's classroom. while the twins who Damon had brought with him are sitting on the floor with there respected Stuffed animals playing with each other.

Did you ask her about Uncle John? Are they working together?


No they're not?

No, I didn't ask.

What about the invention?

Didn't ask.

Did she know about the tomb vampires?

I don't know.

Did words completely escape you?

No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions.

once Damon stared to insult Ric, the twins stopped playing and looked at the vampire who stared to groan in pain. since Hope and Mercy stared to give the older Salvtore a brain aneurysm. witch was so bad that he ended up kneeling on the ground in pain.

Elena walks in a notices Damon on the ground. she looks at Ric questioning him while he point at the twins who have not broken eye contact from the vampire.

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