Bad Moon Rising

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Alaric arrives at the Salvatore boarding house.

when he walk into the house he notices Hope and Mercy sitting on the floor playing with a bunch of toys that Damon bought for them, to try to get them to like him.

the older people start there convo while the twins countie to play with each other

Thanks for coming, Ric. Can I get you something to drink? Coffee, bourbon? Bourbon in your coffee?

Elena mentioned you needed my help.

Yeah, we were hoping you could help shed some light on the Lockwood family.

At the Lockwood mansion Mason is goes outside the house for a run. Tyler observes him and follows.

Now, why would I know anything about the Lockwood's?

Well, you wouldn't. But your dead, not-dead vampire wife might.

Isobel's research from when you guys were at Duke together.

You said that she had spent years researching this town.

Isobel's research here in Mystic Falls rooted in folklores and legends but at the time I thought much of which was fiction.

Like that amazing vampire story.

Aside from vampires, what else?

The lycanthrope.

Wait, like werewolves?

No way, impossible, way too Lon Chaney.

Hope and Mercy shake there heads at how small mined Damon Salvatore really is.

Is it?

I've been on this planet one hundred and sixty some odd years, never came across one. If werewolves exist, where the hell are they?

Hope and Mercy both rolled there eyes at the older Salvatore vampire.

We see Mason running in the woods. Tyler is following him. Mason goes down some brick steps into the ruins.

Why do you suspect the Lockwood's?

Because vervain didn't affect the mayor at Founders' Day but the Gilbert device did and it affected his son Tyler.

And at the school carnival his uncle Mason exhibited inhuman behavior when he fought with one of the carnival's workers.

In the woods we see Mason going out from the ruins. Tyler watches him and goes in the ruins.

It suggests it's some sort of a supernatural entity.

both Andi and Kol nodded there heads in agreement with Stefan, not that any of the older people that they were agreeing with them. they thought they ere just playing with the toys that Damon had gotten for them.

We were hoping that Isobel's research could help us figure it out what it is.

Well, all her things are still at Duke. I mean her office is still there. She's technically still missing.

So can we get access to it?

Ric, we need to know what we are dealing with. If this wolfman thing is true, I've seen enough movies to know it's not good.

It means Mason Lockwood is a real-life Lon Chaney and that little Tyler punk may just very well be Lon Chaney junior, which means Bella Lugosi, meaning me, is totally screwed.

good luck Dams Both, Hope and Mercy say in unison

witch caused everybody in the room to look at them with confusion written on there faces. while also wondering why the twins are whishing the older Salvatore good luck. but they didn't spend too much time on it before going back to the conversation at hand.


Damon, Elena and Ric all end up going to Duke together leaving the twins with Jenna. who let the twins playing together while she was reading.

a little while latter Jenna tries to put them down for a nap but since it was a full moon the twins were not happy about it at all. Hope and Mercy were really fidgety. Jenna ended up leaving the room hoping for the twins to sleep. witch they did not happen at all but Jenna thought they were asleep.


Elena, Damon and Ric trip ended up being somewhat successful. the group of three ended up finding out about werewolf's and how there bite is deathly to vampires. they also found out about the sun and moon cures. they also found a family book about Kathrine

but other then that the trip was a total bust.


with Hope, Mercy and Jenna

after Jenna had gotten the twins up from there naps she had taken them to the park. but the twin were still being very bratty. Jenna was very confused as to why her nieces were so angry. not realize that one of reason was because it was a full moon and both of the twins new there bio dad was looking for him. also they new that there bio dad was in pain for not being able to turn into a wolf since it was locked up.


thank you for reading

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head up I'm going jumping right to the Masquerade episode

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