Only One

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Karina's P.O.V

It was another night surrounded by happy people, watching as the world continued to drifted by. In a club in the heart of the city, I sat in one of the many booths sipping my third glass of wine for the evening.

It was somewhere I'd found myself often visiting these days. Not because of the loud music or cheap drinks on offer or even the fact that my bestfriend/roommate worked here. I kept visiting because... I wanted to see her.

Across the room looking stunning in a casual outfit tailored with a denim jacket and flowing blonde hair was the girl I was so desperate to talk to.

I'd admire her for so long from afar, seeing how creative she was in her drawings for art class, learning how friendly she was around everyone she met but still had a mysterious air

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I'd admire her for so long from afar, seeing how creative she was in her drawings for art class, learning how friendly she was around everyone she met but still had a mysterious air. She just made me feel happy in a way others couldn't and I didn't know why.

The more I learnt about her, the more I fell for her. It was this realisation where I found myself constantly waiting to be noticed by her that lead to this very place where she often visited with her close group of friends. How I dreamt to be the only one she admired too.

And yet despite months of waiting, I still was yet to have a proper conversation with her. The trouble was I hadn't the confidence or the courage to initiate a discussion leaving me helplessly wishing from the sidelines.

Beside me, my roommate Giselle nudged my shoulder breaking me from my trance. "Why don't you just talk to her, Karina?"

I frowned at her, taking another sip of wine. "Talk to who...? What are you talking about?"

"Winter, who else? The girl you've been staring at for the past 3 hours." She gestured toward the dazzling blonde beauty who was happily laughing with her friends by the bar.

"I'm not staring at Winter..." I mumbled, glancing down awkwardly.

She scoffed, shaking her head

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She scoffed, shaking her head. "Yeah, you're right. More like fantasising about her."

"I'm not!"

"Well, I'm pretty sure everyone else is." Around us it seemed Winter's presence was proving popular by the giggles and leering eyes that glanced her way in shyness.

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