A Winter's Day

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Karina's P.O.V.

It was another cold but stunning day in December as the sunlight illuminated over the landscape, icicles hanging from the tips of the trees whilst the ground was covered by a blanket of snow. To me, the winter months were always the most beautiful. Special and unique.

Taking in the crisp morning air, I made my way across campus to the tranquility of the library. It was a place that had become a haven to me, away from the hectic day-to-day life where I could write, delve into the pages of fantasy or lose myself in dreamland, sometimes even sleeping peacefully.

And for as long as I have been going there, there'd become another reason that the library had become such a special place. It was the place that I'd met her.

As I took my usual seat, I looked down at my phone at the photos showcasing so many memories we shared together.

Glancing around the room, I smiled widely to see that Winter was there again today

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Glancing around the room, I smiled widely to see that Winter was there again today. She'd been busy and away from campus for a while. Now it seemed so nostalgic as she was reading in the corner, working hard. We'd become good friends but at times it was complicated. We were quite different, if she was ice then I was fire but yet somehow we got along well. Sometimes though she needed space and time to herself and I understood that despite the fact I missed her.

I couldn't define to you how I felt when I first met Winter. It was a whirlwind in some ways but as we became friends, there was always this feeling of something more. I was often in awe of her, having an overwhelming happiness that we could at least spend some of our time together. I'm not sure if she ever knew how important she was to me or if I'd ever get the chance to tell her.

As the morning drifted by, I began lost in thought at the sight of her from afar before glancing down at my bag. Getting out my notebook, I began to write again.

"Winter I write this poem,
As I'm speaking from the heart,
To tell you how I've felt,
But I don't know where to start.

We met so unexpectedly,
And I never got to say,
How much you really meant to me,
With the passing of each day.

Our differences were obvious,
But our bond was always stronger,
And in time I grew to like you,
Wanting to talk to you for longer.

There were moments I was confident,
Often times when I was shy,
Where it took all of my strength,
Just to smile as you'd pass by.

Our friendship slowly blossomed,
We never seemed to be apart,
You told me I was special,
That I held a place within your heart.

And I thought it was forever,
Those dreams we were making,
Now slowly lost in memories,
That stop my heart from breaking.

For I was no exception,
Guess these words were nothing new,
There were others that adored you,
So I just had to join the queue.

There were occasions when I cried,
There were moments of such glory,
There were sweet acts of kindness,
Like in an ever-lasting story.

Sometimes we would argue,
And yes we'd often diagree,
Yet the sadness in your eyes,
Showed those words weren't for me.

So if ever you're running circles,
With those thoughts in your mind,
Remember happiness does exist,
And it's something you will find.

And please don't ever wonder,
If you're simply good enough,
Just love yourself the most,
When those days are long and tough.

Because you'll never be alone,
And I hope you always know,
That my friendship will be there,
Should that sadness start to grow.

Sometimes I still think of us,
As the night sky turns to day,
I really wanted you to mean it,
When you kept asking me to stay.

So I will wait in memories,
And I will wait in dreams,
In the hope we'll meet again,
Where life is better than it seems.

I'm not sure why I write this,
And I'm not sure if you'd care,
But it's hard to switch off feelings,
When I like the fact they're there.

Because I have had this hope,
Like a longing and a need,
To finally tell you how I've felt,
In this poem you'll never read."

As I glanced up in her direction, I couldn't help but smile as she smiled back at me. I treasured her in my heart and that would never change. Knowing that she was happy, that was all that really ever mattered. I'd remember this moment fondly as I thought back on seeing her again in the library on that beautiful Winter's day.

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