Only One (Part 4)

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(8 months later)

Thursday 1pm, Seoul

Winter's P.O.V

Months had passed since Karina and I first met and it felt as though we'd known each other our whole lives. It was hard to imagine a day without her. We spent practically all our time together whether talking non-stop on the phone, taking a walk into the city or simply enjoying our favourite foods. We'd often tease one another and had grown accustomed to each other's ways.

I loved having that special bond with someone where that sense of anxiety and discomfort just wasn't there

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I loved having that special bond with someone where that sense of anxiety and discomfort just wasn't there. Although we weren't dating, often people mistook us for a couple and in truth, I loved that they did.

Today was no different. We'd made it a plan to visit the local art gallery every other Saturday. The inspiration helped Karina with ideas for her art. It made her happy and, in that knowledge, that made me happy too. No one had made me feel quite like she did.

The gallery was a grand building made of stone with large, towering arched windows and room after room of vast space showcasing the finest masterpieces under faultless lighting. The height of the ceilings seemed to make the space even larger where the simplest sounds could echo throughout the surroundings.

"This is my favourite piece, the blend of colours is really unique. I always feel like it's calming somehow."

Karina was staring at the painting before us in awe. It was of an angel, a heavenly scene. Her blank expression had faulted for a mere second as I stood in a trance by how lovely she was. Despite the angelic scene on the wall, I noticed only her.

"Winter? Are you listening? You probably think this boring." She sighed as we moved through the quiet gallery to the next room of prestine artwork.

"Not at all! I was taking in what you were saying. You're really passionate about art." I smiled at her but she shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess..."

"What are you thinking about, Karina?" I asked when she seemed to lean a little closer to my side, her eyes now solely focused on the floor. There seemed to be something on her mind that she was reluctant to say. I didn't pry into her business but I wanted to know how she felt, it mattered.

"You ask me that all the time." She said, rolling her eyes but I just chuckled.

"It's my favourite question. It's pretty important, don't you think?" I smiled back as she scoffed playfully.


I felt my hands become sweaty worried to bring up the nostalgia of the past. "No one ever asked me that when I needed someone to so... I make a point now of asking people I care about."

"You care about me?" I was surprised she'd even ask that. The thought of not caring for her especially as we'd become so close seemed somehow impossible.

Winrina Jiminjeong One Shots (Aespa)Where stories live. Discover now