Only One (Part 2)

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Karina's P.O.V

I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping from the slightly ajar opened window and a glimmer of light seeping in through the curtains. My head was pounding as I tried to recall how much I must have drink last night at the club.

Yawning, I stretched my arms up sitting up in bed to gather my thoughts for a moment before another day begun.

Glancing to the side I was surprise to find a note on my bedside table alongside a small bottle of water.

I froze.

Memories of last night flooded my mind as I recalled Winter guiding me home. I didn't know what we'd talked about only that she was effortlessly charming and sweet as ever.

Stumbling out of bed, I lazily made my way to the kitchen to find my roommate sat with coffee reading the latest fashion magazine.

Noticing my presence, she chuckled whilst glancing at her wrist watch. "Well, goodmorning Rina or should I say good afternoon?"

"What's so good about it?" I muttered rubbing my sore head.

"I'd have thought you'd be ecstatic following last night's events."

Ignoring her comments, I slumped down on the seat with my head in my hands. "I need coffee."

She grinned, pouring me a cup of freshly brewed coffee. "So... you and Winter. Tell me the details."

I took at small sip, glancing at her in confusion. "What about me and Winter?"

"She brought you home last nice, that was pretty sweet of her."

I scoffed, fidgeting in my seat to get comfy. "Well... she's perfect so it's expected."

"I spoke to her this morning, she wanted to check you were okay."

My eyes went wide in horror watching as Gisele remained so calm across the table. "You spoke to her! And she told you about last night? Did I say or do anything stupid?"

"Hmmm... You always say stupid things." I groaned, holding my head in my hands as she laughed and continued.

"Relax, I'm joking! She just wanted to make sure you were feeling okay. I tried to get details about what happened between you two but she wouldn't tell me. Said she respects your privacy."

My heart fluttered at the thought of how sincere Winter was. "Unbelievable, she's seriously so perfect for me it's unreal. Urgh... I bet I made such an ass of myself!"

Walking around the table, Gisele sympathetically patted my shoulder before wandering over to the coach. "Don't worry about it Karina. So are you finally gonna go talk her now?"

I gave her a look as if she'd said the most bizarre question in the world. "Ummm... No? Why would I humiliate myself twice in a row?"

"To say thank you and she probably wants that jacket back. You've been clutching it all morning, I'm guessing it's hers." She pointed to the denim jacket that I was still wearing from last night. Winter's familiar sense of style was warm and comforting and I'd had no intention of letting it go.

"Maybe I could just keep it..." I hesitantly said. I clutched tighter to the jacket, it had her distinctive scent of flowery perfume as though it had been carefully woven into the fabric.

Giselle rolled her eyes, returning to glance at her magazine. "Karina, give the jacket back."

I huffed, feeling definiant but knew she was right. "Okay fine but for the record, you're officially the worst!"

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