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Winter's P.O.V

It was a little late in the evening as the sun was slowly setting from the nearby window. The light casting shadows around the empty room I'd become so familiar with over the last 2 years.

After a long day of schedules, I'd decided to stay at the studio a little later than usual to work on our new dance routines. It was complex but as time went by, it became easier to sync with the music.

I glanced in the mirrors before me, listening to the rhythm of the high tech sound system that was positioned in the corner. All around me, the faces of previous idols shone down on posters and trophies showcasing their success. There was always such a high standard to live up to and constant reminders everywhere made it at times a little overwhelming.

As I was lost in the music, the studio door crept open revealing Karina with a warm, sweet smile on her lips. She closed the door gently behind her, walking towards me.

Things had been awkward the past few days as I'd tried to create distance between us following how quickly we'd become more intimate. Karina however was stubborn and continued to find ways to entice me back.

"Hey Minjeong." She flipped her raven hair over her shoulder, effortlessly glamorous and elegant.

I knew why she was here, why she'd waited until we were alone again. Yet knowing myself, I had a unique way of making any situation awkward to get out of uncomfortable conversations.

As she ventured casually towards me, she played with the hem of my shirt making me gulp nervously. She smirked knowing the effect she had as I shyly backed away.

"Hi, do you want practice the choreography again?" I said changing the topic instantly as the music began to play.

She sighed and nodded her head, taking a step away to get into our choreographed places. We danced perfectly in sync as I admired how flawless she was. Occasionally, she would grin or we'd exchange glances in the mirror making me shy as she moved effortlessly.

 Occasionally, she would grin or we'd exchange glances in the mirror making me shy as she moved effortlessly

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After over another half hour practice, we stopped to catch our breath. "It's good but I think the timing might be a little bit out on the last part."

"Hmmm... Maybe we could use a break and do something else instead?" Behind me, she wrapped her arms around my waist making me freeze on the spot as she rested her head on my shoulder. I glanced at our reflection in the mirror again, it was perfect, she was perfect but as usual I anticipated the worst.

"Karina, if you don't want to rehearse then go away." I pulled away, providing some distance between us as I wandered over to the speakers to turn off the background music.

"You're always so cold to me lately" Karina pouted, adorable as always.

I sighed, ruffling my hair. "You know we don't have a choice, if the chairman knows, then we'll be out of the group."

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