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Kairn -

It's times like this where I can't help but get emotional I really had to find a lot of odds and I did a lot of things for myself that I'm really grateful and appreciative of I'm really grateful that I had to find all these odds and I keep on doing people wrong and like I keep on proving people wrong like they tell me you can't do this or you can't do that or you won't do this and you won't do that and I just continue to do so like I'm really proud of myself I never thought that I would get to open up a

pulmonary service dog school and soul for children with different pulmonary purposes and like Maddie was saying if you weeks ago she said she never thought it was possible that us
girls with different stories

and different problems all come into the world and you know we get these dogs to help us and now we're all helping other people with our soulmates so it's really a Blessing i'm truly thankful that I've gotten these opportunities and like that I can help other kids with my story and educate them on the use of service animals but I am really excited to teach the story lessons to my son my beautiful boy he's such a miracle like Noori is everything to me like he is my heart he is my soul he is my purpose he is everything that I do you know in life he means everything to Han  and I we love watching him grow and be strong and be independent and do these things that people you know don't really take seriously like I cry even if he just brings his eyes because like now I know why moms are so biased but my boy is really special very special because I had him against all odds. Han- my darling Karen I sobbed and my thoughts .

I love you so much you so strong and I'm just really happy that you're right you gave me kind of scared when you fell down like that but I knew I had to get you to the hospital ASAP where things could turned in a serious and even critical maybe even tragic but I mean I knew.

I just had to get you there and I'm really proud of myself he ends were telling me how mature I was for that and I didn't call them I just took you by myself but they all said they were sorry but little did we know we were getting two nieces that day too kind of funny the kids were born you know ours have apart from each other same day Miss Melody just decided to come two minutes before midnight and Noori just Decided not to make his present known until he wanted to make his presence known the doctor said he came out making a fist to let us know how he's strong he was this time in the NUI  was very sad but we made it through together and I'm just so happy that you're all right.

Kairn -we love you so much you're so blessed to have you in our lives like just the fact that we get to you and wake up everyone and have you by your side is the greatest gift as long as with everybody's health but I am so grateful that I get to take this journey in life with you.

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