Tunnel Questions Part 1

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-"Now, to answer your question...we are people, just like you, but because of lack of food and the small differences between us people like your father have marked us as thieves"

-"My turn" he hummed, I looked up at him (as he was a bit taller than me) a bit nervous for his question.

-"I'll start easy, what's your name?"


-"A last name that goes with that?"

-"Y/n, for now..."

-"Your name?"


-"I'm guessing you won't tell me your last name either" he gave me a look in response.

-"Now a more serious question, you mentioned earlier that you have to stay here, why?" I actually didn't know the answer for that, besides the world being dangerous, as father would say.

-"Father say's the world a dangerous place, infested with gypsies, so he won't let me out"

-"Do you think I'm dangerous?" he cornered me to a wall, I gasped as my back hit the wall.


-"You hesitated"

-"No" I cleared my throat quietly.

-"I won't hurt you, I promise" he said, backing away.

-"Who's your father? I'd like to know who speaks of us in such way"

-"He's not a bad person, he really isn't"

-"That's not answering my question, love"

-"Frollo" he chuckled, probably thinking it's a joke.

-"Very funny..." he turned to see my serious expression.

-"...you're serious?" I nodded.

-"How could such a cruel person raise a beautiful thing like you?" he mumbled to himself.

-"He's really not that ba-"

-"Does he keep you locked in the bell tower?" I didn't answer.

-"You're that girl aren't you, the girl from the story"

-"What story?"

-"There's a story us gypsies pass around of one of our leader's daughter"

-"There was a kind gypsy who was loved by Frollo years ago, but much to his dismay she was married and had a child"

-"Frollo was said to have taken the child and kept her at the top of the bell tower"

-"What happened to the gypsy and her husband?"

-"They were killed...by him"


Sorry for not updating, I was taking care of my family because they all got sick! Not a good day for me.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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