Falling in Love with a Baseball Player

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                        Jungkook's Pov
When Jagyia stepped up to say she shouted the loudest I immediately fell in love. I've never fallen in love with anyone before. But I can't tell her yet. I got to know more about her first. And if we become friends I don't wanna ruin the friendship yet until I know, can tell or she tells me she also likes me first.

Jungkook: Would you like something to drink?

Jagyia: Yes please.

Jungkook: What would you like? Water or soda? For soda I have Mtn Dew, Pepsi and Coca-Cola.

Jagyia: I'll take a Mtn Dew please.

I nod. She sits on the couch as I head to the kitchen. I grab the bottle of Mtn Dew, head to the living room, hand it to her and sit next to her.

Jungkook: So, what do you do? As in job wise.

Jagyia: I honestly don't have a job because no one will hire me and I don't know why. I get disability money so I live off of that.

Jungkook: I'm so sorry no one will hire you. I can find you a job. What would you like to do for a job?

Jagyia: Well, I really wanna work with animals like at an animal shelter.

Jungkook: Hang on please, I gotta make a phone call really quick.

She nods. I call one of the animal shelters near by my house and was able to immediately get a job for Jagyia. I hang up.

Jungkook: Guess what.

Jagyia: Hm?

Jungkook: I was able to get you a job at an animal shelter that's a few minutes away from my house. They said you can go in and start the job whenever you're ready to.

Jagyia: *Gasps* Omg, really?!

Jungkook: *Smiles* Yes. I'll drive you down there so you can see what it looks like.

Jagyia: Ok.

We head outside to the car, get in and we head to the animal shelter. After 5 minutes we arrive. We get out and head inside. They let us look around since Jagyia will be working there. After we look around we thank them and head outside to the car, get in and head back to my place. While driving without thinking I hold Jagyia's hand the whole way.

                          Jagyia's Pov
As we're heading back to Jungkook's place I felt him hold my hand. I look at him in shock but then smile. He holds my hand until we reach his house. Once he parks in the driveway he realizes he held my hand. He quickly let's go.

Jungkook: I-I'm so sorry...

Jagyia: *Smiles* It's ok.

We get out and head inside. We head to the living room, talk for a while and watch TV. After a few hours it was starting to get dark.

Jungkook: I'll drive you home.

Jagyia: Thank you.

We head outside again, get in the car and he drives me home. Soon we arrive at my place. I kiss his cheek, thank him and wave to him before he drove back to his place. I unlock the door, head inside, make supper, eat, wash the dishes, head upstairs, get into my pajamas and head to bed.

Stay tuned for part 4

Falling in Love with a Baseball PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now