Falling in Love with a Baseball Player

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Jungkook's Pov
Soon we arrive at the mall. We get out and head inside. I give Jagyia my extra credit card.

Jungkook: Go crazy and buy whatever you want princess. Let's meet at the fountain in the front.

Jagyia: Ok.

She runs off towards the clothes store. Oh no, I know what girls like to do when they have lots of money and that's buying a lot of clothes. I already know Shea gonna come back with so many bags. I giggle and smile. I walk to the jewelry store and walk inside. I look for matching earrings and a necklace. I found a real Amethyst necklace with matching earrings. They're really expensive but I'm spending my money on a very loyal girl which is Jagyia. She deserves the best. I grab the set and head to the counter. I look at wedding rings. I found two silver wedding rings with a real Amethyst in the middle.

Jungkook: Excuse me sir?

Cashier: What can I help you with today?

Jungkook: I would like these two wedding rings and on the inside saying "I'll always love you and be by your side no matter what princess" please.

Cashier: It'll have to be a little small.

Jungkook: That's ok. As long as my girl will be able to read it.

He nods, heads to the back, puts the words on the other side and then comes back out.

Cashier: Here are the rings. Is that all?

Jungkook: I would also like to buy these please.

Cashier: That'll be $500.

I use my credit card. Puts them in a box, in a bag and then hands the bag to me.

Cashier: Have a nice day.

Jungkook: You too.

I walk out and head to the plushie store. I found a cute bear. I buy it and walk out of that store. I go to the wedding store. I pick out my suit, buy it and walk back out. I head to the flower shop. I pick out roses and pay doe them. I head to the dress store and pick out a nice dress for Jagyia. Last store I head to is the candle store. I buy a candle that goes for a romantic dinner and then head to the fountain and wait for Jagyia.

Jagyia's Pov
The first store I go to is the clothing store. I find a few cute outfits and dresses and shoes. I didn't get a lot. I buy what I found and walk out with one bag. I wanna get Jungkook something but I'm not sure what. I go into a store with photo frames. I found a relationship photo frame. I buy that. I walk out the store and to the fountain. I see Jungkook is already waiting for me. I run up to him.

Jagyia: *Smiles* I'm ready.

He looks at me and then the bags and looks a little shocked but smiles and giggles.

Jungkook: *Giggles* I thought you'd buy a ton of clothes.

Jagyia: I didn't need that many honestly.

Jungkook: Ah ok. Let's go home then.

Jagyia: *Smiles* ok.

We head outside to the car, put the bags in the backseat, get in and go back to Jungkook's place. He holds my hand again and I smile again. We arrive at his house. We grab our bags and head inside. It was already afternoon. Jungkook made lunch. After we ate I did the dishes. We head to the bedroom and continue to watch "My Holo Love".

Jungkook's Pov
I look over to the window and see that it's starting to get a little dark out.

Jungkook: You should take an hour nice relaxing bubble bath babygirl.

Jagyia: Ok.

She grabs a pair of pajamas and underwear she bought and I hand her a new towel. She heads into the bathroom and shuts the door. Once I hear the water start running I grab a piece of paper and write on it. I tape it to the box with the dress I bought her. I put on my suit and grab the bag, take one of the boxes that has one ring in it and kept the other one in set the other box next to the box with the dress. I grab the bear and then I pick the rose petals and made a path to the backyard. I set up a table that seats two people and big enough to put 2 plates of food on and a candle in the middle. I set everything up perfectly just in time.

Stay tuned for part 9

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