Chapter 5

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Author's Note

Sorry it took us so long to update, we were away in Idaho, then writer's block decided to smack me in the face. Hope you enjoy!

                                                                                                                                  - Adelle

Editor's note

It took me a while cause I was gone elsewhere- hope y'all enjoy!

                                                                                                                                 ~ Valery


You opened one of the doors to the library and peeked inside to see Dream waiting patiently on a couch. He jumped when you entered, then beamed. "Hey, Y/n!" He called cheerily. 

"Hey, Dream! Do you have the book ready?" 

"Of course!" Dream walked up to you, and handed you 'The Screwtape Letters'. You took the book graciously and brushed fingers with Dream.

You then took a seat, then looked up to see Dream was frozen. "Dream?" You called concernedly. 

Dream spun around immediately and, with a large smile, said, "Yes, Y/n?" 

You smiled, but couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable. "Never mind, come!" Dream practically skipped over to his seat, then looked at you expectantly.

You smiled at him, but you had the feeling something was off about Dream. You began to read The Screwtape Letters. As you read, you temporarily forgot about the world, and you were sucked into the book. When you finished the letter, you sighed, then placed a bookmark into the book and looked to Dream, ready to have a thoughtful conversation.

Instead, you were met with a cloudy-eyed Dream. Did he even hear you reading? "Dream? Whatcha thinking about?" You asked, attempting to sound playful. 

Dream blinked twice, then shook his head and said happily, "I was just planning you and Nightmare's vacation!" 

You stared at him for a second, before asking, "You mean thinking about?" 

"Nope!" Dream chirped.

"You were planning the vacation?" You asked incredulously. 

"Planned." Dream corrected, then said, "All I have left to do is schedule your cabin." 

"Cabin?" You asked numbly. What on earth was going on? 

"I thought it would be nice if you and Nightmare went away for the week to the cabin where you had your honeymoon! I'll send some of the Nightmare Papyruses to cook for you and babysit Vince and Vivian, I'm guessing you'd like them to accompany you?"

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now