Chapter 27

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Author's Note

Our book is nearing the end!! Sorry the end has been so slowww lately :ppp we just need to finish it then we have some ideas for a new one!! :) Y'all are gonna like this chapter, enjoy!

                                                                                                                                       - Adelle

Editor's note

Ohmygooshers, this chapter! I love this chapter! The baker is DA BEST :D

I hope y'all enjoy! Mwah!

                                                                                                                                       ~ Valery


You saw your village, and you sighed deeply. You were safe now. 

The stress and anxiety slowly began to melt away as you neared the village. Your children began chattering excitedly about the village. You took them by the hands and walked straight into the small town.

Nostalgia began to fill you. It was about 6 or 7 Am by now, so it was fairly quiet. Every now and then someone would pass by and wave hello, or someone's muffled voice could be heard through one of the houses. You knew the bakery would be open at this hour. It would officially open at 7, but the baker always began preparing some of the more popular and regular goods at 5:30.

There was only one other bakery in the small town, but they sold their own specialized goods, so not much of a rivalry existed. The bakery happily thrived with its small populous. 

You soon arrived at the bakery and you could hear the baker, Mr. Smee, unknowingly going about his own way, preparing for the day.

You knocked confidently, and the children and the noises from within the bakery fell silent. After a moment or so, Mr. Smee's muffled voice sounded through the door. "Hello? The bakery doesn't open for another half hour!" 

You chuckled and called, "I know that! I'm here for something else!" You hoped he would recognize your voice, otherwise things might get a little awkward.

After a pause, you heard footsteps and soon the door opened to see a shocked face. "It is you!! Y/n! Come in, come in! It's been ages! Why haven't you come by sooner-" As Mr. Smee opened the door for you to enter, he gasped as he saw the twins. He looked at the children, then to you, and put his hand to his heart. You laughed at this.

"You brought me angels!! Come in, my babies, I just made cinnamon rolls, come come." 

You laughed again and thanked him. "Oh, you really don't have to give us anything, we ate on the way here, but-" 

Blood and Betrayal (Yandere Shattered Dream x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now