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BREYA RUNS THROUGH the door where she sees Dustin, Lucas, Max, and Mrs. Byers.

"The field." She tells them, panting before running back out the door. The rest of the people there follow behind her.

"Will!" Mike is seen trying to snap Will out of his trance.

"I just found him like this!" Breya shouts worried.

"I think he's having another episode." Mike informs, Joyce running up to Will and gripping his shoulders, shaking him violently.

"Sweetie, wake up, it's mom. Will!"

Max's arm slithers across Breya's back, gripping her waist and pulling her closer as they watch Will in terror.

"Will, please, wake up. Please!"

The party exchange looks of horror before looking back at Will.

"It's me!"

Suddenly, his eyes jolt open and he gasps, desperate for air. Lucas hugs Dustin as it's now over, Max pulling Breya into a tight embrace. Joyce hugs Will and Mike waits to hug Will as well.

Joyce helps Will exit the school grounds and get into the car, the party following and watching as they leave.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." Max speaks up.

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas states.

"It's getting worse." Mike informs, Breya sliding her hand into Max's, squeezing it lightly.

"You think it's true sight?" Lucas questions.

"What's true sight?" Max asks, confused. Mike shakes his head at Lucas so he doesn't tell her.

"It's nothing."

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BREYA ARRIVES AT school the next morning to be forced to the trashcans with Lucas, Max, and Mike. They pull straws to see who has to jump in the dumpster and throw trash bags out, looking for Dart.

Lucas pulls the short straw, and jumps in. Max, Mike, and Breya stand from afar, Max arguing about not wanting to do this because it's disgusting.

Dustin runs from the side of the building, looking at the three, getting glares from them.

"The hell's going on?" He questions.

"What do you think?" Mike sasses, "We're looking for Dart."

Suddenly, two trash bags are thrown out from the trash can, nearly missing Breya. Lucas grunts as he climbs out of the trash can and turns his attention to Dustin.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now