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"WAIT A SEC," Steve starts while driving in the front seat, "how big?"

"First it was like that, now it's like this." Dustin explains, using his arms to demonstrate. Breya's eyes widen.

"Why the fuck did you keep him from us, Dustin?" Breya asks, annoyed.

"I didn't want you to hurt him!"

"Well, now we have to. Congratulations."

"I swear to God guys, it's just a lizard." Steve interrupts, agitated.

"That is not just a lizard." Dustin says.

"How do you know it's not just a lizard?"

"How do I know it's not just a lizard?"

"Yes, how do you know it's not just a lizard?"

"Because it's face opened up and it ate my cat." Dustin states, talking over Steve. Breya and Steve's jaws drop as they look at Dustin, shocked.

They pull up to Dustin's front yard, them all getting out to open the trunk of Steve's car. Steve grabs the bat with nails and closes the trunk. The trio walks towards the cellar of Dustin's house to fight Dart.

"I don't hear shit." Steve says whilst shining his flashlight at the door, which is padlocked.

"He's in there." Dustin assures, Steve bumping the door with his bat. Nothing. He does it once more. Still no sound.

"All right, listen, kid. I swear, if this is some sort of Halloween prank, you're dead." Steve tells Dustin, irritated.

"It's not." Breya defends.

"All right?" Steve continues walking toward Dustin, ignoring Breya.

"It's not a prank. Get it out of my face." Dustin pushes the bat away.

Steve looks back down at the door, "You got a key for this thing?"

After giving Steve the key, he unlocks the padlock and opens both doors. He holds the bat tightly as Dustin approaches with the flashlight.

"Let me see that." Steve takes the flashlight from Dustin, shining it down into the basement. However, there's no trace of Dart.

"He must be further down there." Dustin says.

"I'll stay up here in case he tries to escape." Breya volunteers.

Steve gives Breya a look before shaking his head, sighing.

Steve and Dustin creep down the steps, shining the flashlight along the walls and holding tightly onto the bat. Finally, Steve finds a light and turns it on. Something on the floor catches his attention. He picks it up with his bat, examining it. It's the same gooey skin that Dustin had found when Dart had broken out of his tank. Only this time, it's much bigger.

Meanwhile, Breya stands at the top of the steps, nervously looking down into the darkness.

"Steve? Dustin? Guys, what's going on down there?" Breya calls out.

Breya jumps as a light shines on her, but it's only Steve.

"Get down here." He demands.

As Breya walks down the steps, Steve shows her the skin, holding it up under the flashlight.

"Oh, shit." She exclaims.

Steve moves his flashlight, shining it onto a nearby wall. Dustin groans.

"Oh, shit!" Dustin yells.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now