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BREYA SITS WITH Max in the back of the bus. Everyone is recollecting their thoughts after what had happened just moments before.

"Max, what do you think is going to happen after this?" Breya asks quietly.

Max sighs and thinks for a moment, "I think we'll be okay. Together." Max grabs Breya's hand.

"Together?" Breya questions.

"Always." Max smiles, resting her head on Breya's shoulder.

"You're skin is so beautiful." Breya mutters.

Max smiles, "It's pretty sunkissed from California."

"Well, I love your sunkissed skin." They both laugh a little bit.

"Can I kiss you?" Breya whispers. Max lifts her head from Breya's shoulder and they look each other in the eye.

Max doesn't say anything, just nods.

They slowly inch closer before their lips connect. Max's hand raises to hold Breya's face as Breya's arms grab Max's waist. Max's other hand holds Breya's waist. Breya pulls Max closer to her as their lips move in sync with one another.

After what seemed like eternity, they pull apart and look at each other, examining each other's faces as they smile.

Max rests on Breya's chest and listens to her heart-beating rapidly.

They could work out.

They didn't need anybody's approval.

They had each other.

And that was all they needed.



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word count: 236

so max/steve/dustin/lucas aren't actually in this episode so take this filler
they're in love yipee
vote and comment pls!!!
ok BYE!!!!

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now