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THE SUN HAD now set, and Breya and Mike were still with the Byers. Well, really, they were with Will, trying to figure out what he feels from the shadow monster itself. Will sat on the bed, Mike walking around the room and Breya walking right behind him.

Will was a sweating mess, and Mike and Breya couldn't figure out why. The house is freezing, Breya staying close to Mike because of the cold.

"It's like...it's like I feel what the shadow monster is feeling." Will explains, "See what he's seeing."

"Like in the Upside Down?" Mike questions.

Will nods, "Some of him is there. But some of him is here too." That makes Mike and Breya stop walking, turning to look at Will directly, but he still stares at the wall.

"Here, like, in this house?" Mike asks, concerned.

"In this house and..." Will starts to choke back tears, "In me." Mike sits on one side of Will and Breya sits on the other.

"It's like he's reaching into Hawkins more and more. And the more he spreads, the more connected to him I feel."

"And the more you see these now-memories." Mike continues.

"At first I just felt it in the back of my head. I didn't even really know it was there. It's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. It was like that. But now, it's like, now I remember all the time."

"Maybe...maybe that's good." Mike suggests.

"Good?" Will finally directs his attention to Mike instead of the wall.

"Just think about it, Will. You're like a spy now. A superspy. Spying on the shadow monster. If you know what he's seeing and feeling...maybe that's how we can stop him." Mike explains, Will starting to shake.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I really do." Will turns and looks at a drawing on the floor, Mike and Breya's heads turning to look as well.

The shadow monster.

"What if he figures out we're spying on him? What if he spies back?"

"He won't." Mike reassures.

"How do you know?" Mike places his hand onto Will's in a comforting way.

"We won't let him."

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MIKE AND BREYA spent the night in Will's room, and awoke to an insanely loud gasp escape Will's mouth.

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐃, max mayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now