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3rd pov

As a being of 3000 years, sometimes Leo worries the Demon queen and her Generals. They know there's no way for them to know everything he's done, gone through or experienced, but sometimes they desperately wish they could, if only so they could help him when it affects him. He doesn't act like he's 3000 either, which makes if difficult to remember sometimes, but then he'll say something about an age of time that has little recorded information or deny something about a story they thought nothing of, correcting the information, and they recall suddenly that he's a really old person, who has lived far longer than anyone should have to, and alone at that, with no one truly understanding him.

Echidna has heard the human term ' be careful what you wish for' but had thought nothing of it... until they are ambushed by an attacker who appears to be spraying them with some kind of mist of liquid of some sort. They're not concerned until the attacker manages to spray Leo and the man goes down hard, completely limp, out of the fight. He's not easy to beat, as they can attest and for something to make it past his defenses and affect him almost immediately? This is a dangerous opponent using a handmade concoction most likely, since nothing from this era could possibly hurt him, not with how strong his defense is. They get more careful, but they all get sprayed in the end, Echidna going down last, the only thing she sees before drifting away is a smile - not a wicked one or a malicious one, but one that's kind and shy and hopeful - on the enemy's face, before they leave.

When she wakes, it's obvious that this is not in reality, but within someone's mind. Not hers, that's for certain, but somebody's. She gets up, turning to find the rest of the Generals in various stages of awake, most not used to dealing with anything inside the head, not like her and Shutina... and Leo apparently, since the man is already up and moving about, poking around a bit but there's something about the way he does it... he's reluctant, she realizes. She puts that aside, turning her attention back to the Generals.

"You guys doing ok?" She crouches by Lily, helping the girl sit up, steadying her when she sways a bit. Shutina is helping Edvard stand, the dragon in him letting him understand better the situation instinctively, asking Mernes questions as she does so, ensuring he's awake and ok. Leo moves closer as they're all standing, all of them looking around. The area around them is mostly clue, with some lighter blue and bits of white, but it's mostly blue. There's no city, no fields, nothing else here. It's certainly not Echidna's world, and it's not Shutina's either. Edvard's would have fighting, Lily's would probably have a whole bunch of flowers and fields and stuff, things she loves. Mernes well... she's not certain what his world would have, and honestly it wouldn't surprise her in the least if this were his mind, but with Leo here... she can't imagine what his world would look like either, having lived for 3000 years.

"Alright. We are inside someone's mind. I can clearly state that it is not mine or Shutina's, but that's about all I've got." Echidna decides not to mention anything else, not wanting to put the two on the spot.

"Well, I can say I don't think it's Lily's..." Shutina states.

"Yeah, where are all the flowers and the moon and the caves?" The wolf girl pouts, looking around like they'll appear since she mentioned them.

"I do not think this is mine, because I am always looking for the next big fight, and honor, so I feel like the world would have blood, and challenging men." Edvard mutters, using his head for once.

"It's not mine either, I mostly recall the darkness I grew up in, and then I'm pretty sure you guys would exist as well, probably some of the places I like to perch and relax as well." Mernes mumbles, trying not to draw attention but still wanting to make it clear he's helping.

Echidna blinks in surprise, because the process of elimination means... "Leo, this is your world?"

The man in question looks uncomfortable and nervous, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah. I know it's not much to look at, but this is what it's always been. Never changed, not once in the 3000 years I've been alive."

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