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3rd pov

The knowledge of their being 2 Philosopher's stones in the human world is known only by one person - or it was, known now by 6. Leo trusts Echidna, know she and her generals would not just going telling anyone and everyone that he has one for a heart, much less that he's been alive for 3000 years, but he also knows that the possibility of someone hearing somehow anyways is always an issue, so he prepares himself to start dealing with assassins, ambushes, all sorts of attacks.

When nothing comes, not even a month or so later, he starts worrying, wondering if something is wrong or has happened, but remains alert. Of course, he had chosen to ignore that they might also target the others with the knowledge, those 5 can handle themselves, after all, they're the 4 Great Generals and the Demon queen, he had been sent to take them down for a reason and that's because nobody can match his strength, not even close. Of course, he does not let his worry show, continuing on, doing his best to keep the army working the way it is, if not better. After all, he only made long term solutions to the problems, there are a few shorter term ones that can help until the long term ones are stable.

With a sigh, he starts on some of the stuff Echidna had asked him do, because who would he be if not her advisor, letting her know anything that might be relevant to a conversation or argument with demons, while also correcting her on things and - to her great delight - slowly whiddling his way through the issues, solving them in ways he knows have worked in the past or in new ways that use all sorts of methods they'd never thought to try. He's technically higher in command then all of the Generals, but Shutina has been 2nd in command so long he tries not to undermine her, wanting them to continue respecting her. It doesn't take long for him to forget his anxiety and paranoia, remaining on alert while trying to get everything in the castle working properly.

It's another few months and he's relaxed slightly, sparring with Edvard in an area they had flattened just for this, since they had all asked for help. Shutina has to chant and she wants to be able to do spells silently, like he does, or shortened, maybe more than one at a time. Mernes had asked for some tips on better ways to kill a person as well as hand to hand. Lily asks for help in anything, since she typically uses her wolf form but it exhausts her and it also is impractical in some places. Edvard asks for help with his swordwork, because while it's good, Leo's is still better. Echidna just likes a break from work and so she tags along claiming to be observing for the training regiment, which is not wrong. She watches, but it's obvious she's not actually doing anything but cheering them on.

Leo throws Edvard, his sword flying away and landing in the ground, embedding itself almost to the hilt... which will cause problems for Edvard, Leo sweat drops, recalling the last time that happened and Edvard had to tug at it for more than an hour, getting a few centimeters or inches depending. The poor man was more tired from that than their spar, honestly. Leo spins his sword, returning it to his hip, turning to call Mernes up, prepared to do some hand to hand... when he reacts on instinct, spinning around a latching onto someone's wrist with his right hand. His left hand blocks a spell coming from his back... but that leaves him open to the third person. He grits his teeth and yanks the 1st, spinning and throwing them into the 3rd, launching a spell at the 2nd person.

All three are wearing cloaks, so he names them Brown, Gray and Black after the color of them, since he doubts he'll be getting their actual names. Brown and Black work to untangle themselves, rising from the ground, while Gray starts chanting, the spell feeling familiar just the slightest bit, but not enough for him to recall off the top of his head what it is, not while fighting both Black and Brown, the two continuously aiming for his chest. He spares a glance and is amused to find the others are watching, clearly knowing he has this, not even a bit of worry on their features. He gives them a wave, before casually using that hand to flip Brown, sending him flying back into Black, who crashes to the ground with a harsh grunt. Gray finally finishes chanting and as he turns, he gets a sense of deja vu, since that looks an awful lot like the Anti-Leo spell Echidna used all those months ago.

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