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3rd pov

Leo has no idea how to bring this up. He knows he needs to, considering the effect it has on him, but he really doesn't know how to, but he can also tell that the others are starting to notice that something is up with him, because he's extremely nervous and a bit scared, if he's honest with himself. He's not certain if it's something the creator's designed or not, but every thousand years or so he shuts down, for lack of better words, and lets his system run a check while also sorting and storing the memories of the time more neatly, into something he can look back at, more like a folder rather than a notebook.

Of course, when he shuts down, he pretty much goes comatose and he gains a high fever, so he tends to lose weight and especially a lot of water, the last two times he's got pretty close to dying, waking up for short intervals in order to remain alive due to his system, but this time, he has people who might be willing to look after him while he's out and he's really hoping that it might be ok, but he is also scared of them rejecting him for this and he's not really certain how to tell them all of this, since it's not really a normal thing for those who have a lifespan of no more than a couple hundred years.

He's pacing his room, going back and forth, trying his absolute hardest to figure out a solution, because leaving without saying anything to hide out is not a good idea, especially considering he thinks this one will be a bit more rough, since he's been breaking down a bit more these last few hundred years, but he also refuses to potentially be rejected, so how is he going to handle this? He can't say he's sick, because he already informed them he doesn't get sick and being tired might work for a day, but not answering will eventually lead to one of them entering and finding him burning up. No solutions are coming and that's just working him into a bigger anxiety, meaning he completely misses it when the door opens and several people walk in, not even bothering to try and sneak, even more so as the assassin closes the door.

Normally this lapse of attention would be nothing, since they're used to Leo going deep into his thoughts and memories in order to figure out a solution or remember something, but this... the way he's pacing back and forth, the almost but not quite muttering, the worry and agitation hanging around them, those are what are drawing them to interfere, especially since it's starting to seep into his magical presence. "Leo?" Lily is the one to break the silence, which causes him to jump and land in a defensive position, before sliding out of it almost immediately, which is admittedly impressive, but not why they are here. The male coughs, a faint blush along his cheeks, as he looks at them. "Was there something you needed?" They all let Shutina move forward, since they had a serious debate and decided she would be best to ask the question.

"You appear to be having some troubles, chewing on a thought, and we are worried because it's been affecting you for several days now, but you also appear to be getting worse, so we decided to confront you before anything happened." She speaks calmly, clearly and easily, making sure that he knows exactly what is being asked, so he can or can not reply. "Ahh, so I was that obvious, huh?" Leo rubs the back of his neck, absentmindedly biting at his lip as he taps his fingers on his side. "You really are. What is bothering you, Lord Leo?" Edvard knows if they don't reiterate it and make sure he knows they're worried in some way, the man won't actually tell them anything. "Ah, well this is a Demonheart thing?" At the word Demonheart, they all get suspicious and far more worried, because it means this is more about him as a bioweapon than him as Leo.

"They didn't really expect or prepare for a unit to survive past a couple hundred years, so the memory banks are not nearly large enough for the thousands of years I have.' The generals and queen nod, following so far, because that makes sense. 'Because of that, as I found out shortly after I turned a thousand, my body shuts itself down, and organizes the memories more neatly in a certain way so that I can keep making memories but not lose anything either. Unfortunately, I am pretty much comatose the entire time and I come down with a fever. I am completely defenseless for the most part, since my system is focused on fixing anything inside, so not even my ability is active, passive or not." Echidna gapes, wondering why the humans who created him had to be so damn cruel, because this is just so unnecessary and over the top. "Wait, are you saying that within the next few days, you are going to come down with a fever and go comatose for several days?" Mernes demands in worry, because that means they will need to have someone to watch over him - one of the five of them, obviously - but it also means he's around 3,000 years old exactly, give or take a few years, likely. "Yes. This one might even take longer as well, since the last two were not complete, given that I was alone, so I was constantly forced aware enough to eat, drink or even just cool my fever, meaning the progress was paused and to be more efficient, certain steps were skipped."

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